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of occurrences there

  • 1 Corfinienses

    Corfīnĭum, ii, n., = Korphinion, a very strongly fortified town of the Peligni, north of Sulmo, now Pelino, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 7; Caes. B. C. 1, 15 sq.; Luc. 2, 478 al.—
    Corfīnĭensis, e, adj., of or pertaining to Corfinium:


    i. e. exercised by Cæsar at this city, Cic. Att. 9, 16, 1; cf.


    i. e. of occurrences there, id. ib. 8, 5, 2.—In plur.: Corfīnĭenses, ium, m., the inhabitants of Corfinium, Plin. 3, 12, 17, § 106.—
    Corfīnĭus, a, um, adj., of Corfinium:


    Front. Colon. p. 122 Goes.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Corfinienses

  • 2 Corfiniensis

    Corfīnĭum, ii, n., = Korphinion, a very strongly fortified town of the Peligni, north of Sulmo, now Pelino, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 7; Caes. B. C. 1, 15 sq.; Luc. 2, 478 al.—
    Corfīnĭensis, e, adj., of or pertaining to Corfinium:


    i. e. exercised by Cæsar at this city, Cic. Att. 9, 16, 1; cf.


    i. e. of occurrences there, id. ib. 8, 5, 2.—In plur.: Corfīnĭenses, ium, m., the inhabitants of Corfinium, Plin. 3, 12, 17, § 106.—
    Corfīnĭus, a, um, adj., of Corfinium:


    Front. Colon. p. 122 Goes.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Corfiniensis

  • 3 Corfinium

    Corfīnĭum, ii, n., = Korphinion, a very strongly fortified town of the Peligni, north of Sulmo, now Pelino, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 7; Caes. B. C. 1, 15 sq.; Luc. 2, 478 al.—
    Corfīnĭensis, e, adj., of or pertaining to Corfinium:


    i. e. exercised by Cæsar at this city, Cic. Att. 9, 16, 1; cf.


    i. e. of occurrences there, id. ib. 8, 5, 2.—In plur.: Corfīnĭenses, ium, m., the inhabitants of Corfinium, Plin. 3, 12, 17, § 106.—
    Corfīnĭus, a, um, adj., of Corfinium:


    Front. Colon. p. 122 Goes.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Corfinium

  • 4 Corfinius

    Corfīnĭum, ii, n., = Korphinion, a very strongly fortified town of the Peligni, north of Sulmo, now Pelino, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 7; Caes. B. C. 1, 15 sq.; Luc. 2, 478 al.—
    Corfīnĭensis, e, adj., of or pertaining to Corfinium:


    i. e. exercised by Cæsar at this city, Cic. Att. 9, 16, 1; cf.


    i. e. of occurrences there, id. ib. 8, 5, 2.—In plur.: Corfīnĭenses, ium, m., the inhabitants of Corfinium, Plin. 3, 12, 17, § 106.—
    Corfīnĭus, a, um, adj., of Corfinium:


    Front. Colon. p. 122 Goes.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Corfinius

  • 5 acontecer

    1 to take place, to happen.
    2 to happen to.
    Me aconteció algo bueno Something good happened to me.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ AGRADECER], like link=agradecer agradecer
    1 to happen, take place
    * * *
    to occur, happen
    * * *
    VI to happen, occur
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo (en 3a pers) (frml) to take place, occur (frml)
    * * *
    = befall, go on.
    Ex. The severe economic crisis that befell scholarly micropublishing in 1987 and 1988 could well recur.
    Ex. How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.
    * cambiar lo acontencido = change + the course of events.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo (en 3a pers) (frml) to take place, occur (frml)
    * * *
    = befall, go on.

    Ex: The severe economic crisis that befell scholarly micropublishing in 1987 and 1988 could well recur.

    Ex: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.
    * cambiar lo acontencido = change + the course of events.

    * * *
    acontecer1 [E3 ]
    ( en tercera persona) ( frml); to take place, occur ( frml), happen
    los sucesos acontecidos ayer the events which took place o occurred o happened yesterday
    el acontecer diario de la vida de un país the everyday events o occurrences in the life of a country
    * * *

    acontecer ( conjugate acontecer) verbo intransitivo (en 3a pers) (frml) to take place, occur (frml);
    los sucesos acontecidos ayer the events which took place o occurred yesterday;

    ■ sustantivo masculino: el diario acontecer everyday events o occurrences
    acontecer verbo intransitivo to happen, take place: este hecho nos aconteció en los años cincuenta, this happened to us in the fifties

    ' acontecer' also found in these entries:
    - suceder
    * * *
    to take place, to happen
    el acontecer histórico de este siglo the historical events of this century
    * * *
    v/i take place, occur
    * * *
    acontecer {53} vt, (3rd person only) : to occur, to happen

    Spanish-English dictionary > acontecer

  • 6 произшествие

    живот, пълен с произшествия an eventful life
    * * *
    ср., -я event; ( нещастен случай) accident; incident; живот, пълен с \произшествиея eventful life; няма никакви \произшествиея there is nothing to report; пътнотранспортно \произшествиее road traffic accident, съкр. RTA.
    * * *
    event; accident; incident{`insidxnt}; passage
    * * *
    1. (нещастен случай) accident;incident 2. event 3. живот, пълен с произшествия an eventful life 4. няма никакви произшествия there is nothing to report 5. странни произшествия strange occurrences

    Български-английски речник > произшествие

  • 7 Vorkommnis

    n; -ses, -se incident, occurrence; keine besonderen Vorkommnisse no unusual occurrences, nothing unusual happening umg.; besondere Vorkommnisse: keine im Protokoll: incidents of note: none
    * * *
    das Vorkommnis
    occurrence; incident
    * * *
    Vor|komm|nis ['foːɐkɔmnɪs]
    nt -ses, -se
    incident, event, occurrence
    * * *
    <-ses, -se>
    nt incident, occurrence
    besondere/keine besonderen \Vorkommnisse particular incidents [or occurrences]/nothing out of the ordinary
    es wird über Sichtungen von Ufos und über andere unerklärliche \Vorkommnisse berichtet there are reports of Ufo sightings and other unexplained incidents
    irgendwelche besonderen \Vorkommnisse? — keine besonderen \Vorkommnisse, Herr Oberleutnant! anything to report? — nothing to report, sir!
    * * *
    das; Vorkommnisses, Vorkommnisse incident; occurence
    * * *
    Vorkommnis n; -ses, -se incident, occurrence;
    keine besonderen Vorkommnisse no unusual occurrences, nothing unusual happening umg;
    besondere Vorkommnisse: keine im Protokoll: incidents of note: none
    * * *
    das; Vorkommnisses, Vorkommnisse incident; occurence
    * * *
    occurrence n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Vorkommnis

  • 8 способ

    (см. также метод, путь, процедура) way, method (of), process, technique (for), procedure, fashion, mode
    Альтернативным способом обращения с ситуацией является... - An alternative way of handling this situation is to...
    Более контролируемый способ достижения той же цели - это... - A more controlled way of achieving the same end is to...
    Более удовлетворительным способом является... - A more satisfactory way is to...
    Выбирая подходящим способом х, мы можем... - By a suitable choice of x, we can...
    Вышеуказанным способом найдено, что... - By the above method it is found that...
    Давайте рассмотрим более детально способ, которым... - Let us consider in more detail the manner in which...
    Давайте рассмотрим более легкий способ нахождения... - Let us pursue the easier course of finding...
    Действительно, этот способ является значительно более действенным, чем... - Indeed, this process is much more powerful than...
    Достаточно точным способом измерения величины Р является... - A fairly accurate way of measuring P is to...
    Другим способом выразить то же самое является... - Another way of expressing this is...
    Другим способом рассмотрения данной проблемы является следующий. - Another way of regarding this problem is as follows.
    Другой способ вывода этих формул основан на... - Another way of deriving these formulas is based on...
    Другой способ решения задачи начинается с уравнения... - Another attack on the problem starts from the equation...
    Другой способ решения этой проблемы состоит в том, чтобы взять... - Another way to treat this problem is to take...
    Единственным способом предотвращения подобных случаев является... - The only way to guard against such occurrences is...
    Единственным способом, когда мы одновременно можем удовлетворить обоим требованиям, является... - The only way we can satisfy both requirements simultaneously is to...
    Из способа вывода данного уравнения будет видно, что... - Prom the way in which this equation has been obtained, it will be seen that...
    Имеется другой способ получения того же результата, если заметить, что... - Another way of obtaining the same result is to note that...
    Имеется ряд способов, которыми... - There are a number of ways in which...
    Имеется только один разумный способ (чего-л). - There is just one sensible way of...
    Имеются по меньшей мере два способа... - There are at least two ways to...
    Имеются три способа решения такой задачи. - There are three ways of attacking such a problem.
    Лучшим способом минимизировать число ошибок такого типа является... - The best way to minimize this kind of error is to...
    Может быть много способов... - There may be many ways of...
    Мы могли бы получить этот результат другим способом. - We could obtain this result by a different argument.
    Мы можем выразить это другим способом, сказав, что... - We can put this another way by saying that...
    Мы можем получить то же самое заключение другим способом в случае, когда... - We can reach the same conclusion in another way for the case of...
    Мы намерены представить три способа для... - We intend to present three techniques for...
    Наиболее элементарным способом решения уравнения (1) является... - The most elementary approach to the solution of (1) is...
    Не существует систематического способа определения... - There is no systematic way of determining...
    Необходимо заметить, что существуют два способа, которыми... - It should be noted that there are two ways in which...
    Обычный способ их получения это... f- The usual way of obtaining these is to...
    Один из простейших способов это... - One of the simplest ways is to...
    Один из способов продолжения состоит в том, чтобы предположить, что... - One way of proceeding is to suppose that...
    Однако выходит, что наилучшим способом продолжения (работы) является... - However, it turns out that the best way to proceed is...
    Однако имеется другой способ продолжения, который дает... - There is another way to proceed, however, which gives...
    Одним из не слишком практичных способов проделать это является... - One method of doing this, not a very practical one, is to...
    Одним из способов удовлетворения этим условиям является... - One way of satisfying these conditions is to...
    Очевидно, одним из способов достижения этого было бы (что-л. сделать). - Clearly, one way of achieving this would be to...
    Очевидный способ - это потребовать, чтобы... - The obvious course is to demand that...
    По существу, имеется лишь один способ, чтобы... - There is essentially only one way to...
    Подобным способом могут быть выведены несколько иные дополнительные формулы. - Still other formulas can be obtained in a similar way.
    Полное число способов, которыми... - The total number of ways in which it can be marked is thus...
    Практически тем же самым способом... - In much the same way,...
    Применим другой способ. Это означает, что... - Put in another way, this means that...
    Простейший способ подхода к проблеме состоит в том, чтобы... - The simplest way to approach the problem is to...
    Следовательно, у нас появляется новый способ взглянуть на... - Thus we have a new way of looking at...
    Способ, каким это проделывается, иллюстрируется на рис. 1, где... - A way of doing this is illustrated in Fig. 1, where...
    Способ, который мы будем использовать, идентичен тому, что использовался для... - The scheme we will use is identical to that used for...
    Способ, с помощью которого это было получено, заключается в... - The mechanism by which this is accomplished is...
    Существенно более разумным способом (= подходом) является... - A considerably more clever approach is to...
    Существует много других способов нахождения... - There are many other ways of finding...
    Существует много способов решения данной задачи. - There are many ways to solve this problem.
    Существует несколько способов это сделать. - There are several ways to do this.
    Существуют несколько способов дать введение в теорию... - There are several ways of introducing the theory of...
    Существуют различные способы определения... - There are various ways of defining...
    Существуют три основных способа, которыми это может быть сделано. - There are three principal ways in which this can be done.
    Существуют три способа, которыми мы могли бы рассмотреть задачу... - There are three ways by which we may approach the problem of...
    Таким способом мы можем произвести... - In this way we can make...
    Такой способ принят из соображений простоты. - This policy is adopted in the interest of simplicity.
    Тем же способом мы доказываем, что... - In the same way we prove that...
    Тем же способом мы можем изучать... - In the same way, we can study...
    Теперь мы будем рассматривать (один) способ удаления этих ограничений на f(x). - We shall now consider a procedure for removing these restrictions on f(x).
    Теперь мы рассматриваем способы, которыми... - We now consider ways in which...
    Точно тем же способом... - In exactly the same way,...
    Эдисон изобрел новый способ (чего-л). - Edison invented a new way of...
    Это возможно проделать тем же способом, каким определяется х. - This is possible by the way in which x is denned.
    Это другой способ сказать, что... - This is another way of saying that...
    Это может быть сделано множеством способов. - This can be done in a variety of different ways.
    Это можно обеспечить двумя способами. - This can be provided in two ways.
    Это преобразование можно применить к нашей задаче 2 несколькими способами. - This transformation can be adapted to our Problem 2 in several ways.
    Это просто другой способ выражения того факта, что... - This is just another way of expressing the fact that...
    Это строится следующим способом. - It is constructed as follows.
    Этот же результат можно получить другим способом. - It is possible to obtain this result in a different way.
    Этот пример демонстрирует один способ... - This example demonstrates one way of...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > способ

  • 9 VERÐA

    (verð; varð, urðum; orðinn, vorðinn), v.
    1) to happen, come to pass;
    ætluðu allir, at þeir myndi tala um mál sitt, en þat varð ekki, but it came not to pass, it was not so;
    þá varð óp mikit at lögbergi, then there arose a great shout at the Lawhill;
    2) verða e-m, to happen to, befall one (slikt verðr opt ungum mönnum);
    þat varð Skarphéðni, at stökk í sundr skóþvengr hans, it happened to S. that his shoe-string snapped asunder;
    sjaldan verðr víti vörum, the wary man will seldom make a slip;
    e-m verðr þörf e-s, one comes to be in need of;
    3) to happen to be, occur;
    í lœk þann, er þar verðr, in the brook that happens to be there;
    varð fyrir þeim fjörðr, they came on a fjord;
    verða á leið e-s, to be on one’s path, happen to one;
    4) verða brottu, to leave, absent oneself (þeir sá þann sinn kost líkastan at verða á brottu);
    verða úti, to go away (verð úti ok drag ongan spott at oss);
    to perish in a storm from cold (sumir urðu úti);
    þeim þótti honum seint heim verða, they thought that he was long in coming home;
    5) with acc. to lose;
    kváðust okkr hafa orðit bæði, said that they had lost us both;
    6) followed by a noun, a., pp., adv., as predicate, to become;
    þá verðr þat þinn bani, it will be thy death;
    verða glaðr, hryggr, reiðr, to become glad, sad, angry;
    verða dauðr to die (áðr Haraldr inn hárfagri yrði dauðr) with participles;
    ok varð ekki eptir honum gengit, he was not pursued;
    verða þeir ekki fundnir, they could not be found;
    blóð hans varð ekki stöðvat, the blood could not be staunched;
    þeim varð litit til hafs, they happened to look seaward;
    impers., e-m verðr bilt, one is amazed;
    Kolbeini varð ekki fyrir, K. lost his head, was paralysed;
    with adverbs; hann varð vel við skaða sinn, he bore his loss well, like a man;
    jarl varð illa við þetta, the earl was vexed by this;
    7) with infin., denoting necessity, one must, needs, is forced, obliged to do;
    þat verðr hverr at vinna, er ætlat er, every one must do the work that is set before him;
    þar er bera verðr til grjót, where stones have to be carried;
    verð ek nú flýja, now I must flee;
    8) with preps., verða af e-u, to come to pass (var um rœtt, at hann skyldi leita fara, en eigi varð af);
    varð ekki af ferðinni, the journey came to nought was given up;
    verðr þetta af, at hann tekr við sveinunum, the end was that at last he took the boys;
    starf ok kostnaðr varð af þessu, trouble and expenses arose from this;
    livat verðr af e-u, what becomes of;
    hvat varð af húnum mínum, what has become of my cubs?;
    verða at e-u, to become (verða at undri, undrsjónum);
    veiztu, hvat þér mun verða at bana, knowest thou what will be the cause of thy death?;
    verða at engu, to come to nothing;
    verða á, to come on, happen;
    þvat sem á yrði síðan, whatever might happen later on;
    e-m verðr á, one makes a blunder, mistake (þótti þér ekki á verða fyrir honum, er hann náði eigi fénu?);
    verða eptir, to be left (honum varð þar eptir geit ok hafr);
    verða fyrir e-u, to meet with (verða fyrir goða reiði);
    to forebode (verða fyrir stórfundum);
    verða fyrir e-m, to be in one’s way, as a hindrance (því meira sem oss verðr fyrir, því harðara skulu þér niðr koma);
    verða í, to happen (tókust nú upp leikar sem ekki hefði í orðit);
    verða til e-s, to come forth to do a thing, be ready to;
    en sá er nefndr Hermóðr, er til þeirar farar varð, who undertook this journey;
    verða við e-m, to respond to (bið ek þik, at þú verðir við mér, þó at engi sé verðleiki til).
    * * *
    pres. verð, verðr, verð; pret. varð, vart (mod. varðst), varð; pl. urðu; subj. yrði: imperat. verð; part. orðinn; pl. orðnir, spelt phonetically ornir, Niðrst. 6: in later vellums occur freq. the forms vurðu, vyrði, vorðinn, see Introd.; but the old poets use it for alliteration as if it began with a vowel: with neg. suff. verðr-at, Fm. 6; varð-at, Vþm. 38; urðu-a it, Gh. 3; urðu-t. Lex. Poët.: [Ulf. wairþan = γίγνεσθαι, ἔσεσθαι; A. S. weorðan; Old Engl. worth, as in the phrase ‘woe worth the day!’ Germ. werden; Dan. vorde; Swed. varda.]
    A. To become, happen, come to pass; sá atburðr varð, at …, Ó. H. 196; varð hitt at lyktum, at …, 191; ef svá verðr, at …, Al. 20; ef svá verðr ( if it so happen), at ek deyja, Eg. 34; fundr þeirra varð á Rogalandi, 32; mörg dæmi hafa orðit í forneskju, Ó. H. 73; varð þar hin snarpasta orrosta. Eg. 297; at því sem nú er orðit, Blas. 46; þá varð ( arose) hlátr mikill, id.; varð óp mikit, Nj.; þat varð um síðir, and so they did at last, 240; er þetta allvel orðit, well done, well happened, 187; þau tíðendi eru hér vorðin, Fms. iv. 309 (orðin, Ó. H. 139, l. c.); þat varð ekki, but it came not to pass, Nj.
    2. adding dat. to happen, to befall one; þat varð mér, it befell me, Ísl. ii. (in a verse); varð þeim af in mesta deila, Nj. 189; Eyjólfi varð orðfall, speechlessness befell E., he faltered, 225; þat varð Skarphéðni at stökk í sundr skóþvengr hans, 145; urðu þeim þegar in sömu undr, 21.
    3. to blunder, make a slip; þat varð þinni konu, at hón átti mög við mér, Ls. 40; sjaldan verðr viti vörum, Hm. 6; þat verðr mörgum manni at um myrkvan staf villisk, Eg. (in a verse); skalat honum þat verða optarr enn um sinn … ef eigi verðr þeim optarr enn um sinn, Grág. (Kb.) i. 55; e-m verðr Þorf e-s, to come in need of, Hm. 149; ef þeim verðr nökkut er honum hefir fylgt, if anything should befall them, Hom. 65; annat man þér verða (another fate, death, will be thine), enn þú sprongir, Sturl. iii. 225; cp. verða úti, to perish in a storm from cold, Fms. vii. 122; sumir urðu úti, Bs. i. 71; verða til, to perish.
    4. to happen to be, to occur, or the like; í læk þann er þar verðr, in the brook that happens to be there, Eg. 163; holt þat er þar verðr, 746; varð þá enn brátt á er þvers varð fyrir þeim, þá kölluðu þeir þverá, 132; varð fyrir þeim fjörðr, they came on a fiord, 130; verða á leið e-s, to be in one’s path, happen to one, Ó. H. 181; taka þat sem á leið hans verðr, Grág. ii. 346; verða á fætr, to fall on one’s, feet, Fb. iii. 301; verða ek á fitjum, Vkv. 27; þeim þótti honum seint heim verða, Fbr. 8 new Ed.: verða brottu, to leave, absent oneself; þeir sá þann sinn kost líkastan at verða á brottu, Fms. vii. 204; verð í brottu í stað, begone, Fs. 64: verða úti, id., Nj. 16.
    II. followed by a noun, adjective, participle, adverb, as predicate; þá verðr þat þinn bani, Nj. 94; hann varð tveggja manna bani, he became the bane of, i. e. slew, two men, 97; hann mun verða engi jafnaðar-maðr, Ld. 24; ef hann vyrði konungr, Fms. i. 20; verða biskup, prestr …, Bs. i. passim; ok verðr eigi gjöf, ef …, it becomes not a gift, if …, Grág. (Kb.) i. 130; verða þær málalyktir, at …, the end was that …, Nj. 88: verða alls hálft annat hundrat, the whole amount becomes, Rb. 88; honum varð vísa á munni, Fms. xi. 144; varð henni þá ljóð á munni, Fb. i. 525; þat varð henni á munni er hón sá þetta, Sd. 139: hví henni yrði þat at munni, Fms. xi. 149; þá er í meðal verðr, when there is an interval, leisure, Skálda (Thorodd): cp. the mod. phrase, þegar í milli veiðr fyrir honum, of the empty hour; varð Skarpheðinn þar í millum ok gaflhlaðsins, S. was jammed in between, Nj. 203; prob. ellipt. = verða fastr.
    2. with adjectives, to become so and so:
    α. verða glaðr, feginn, hryggr, to become glad, fain, sad, Fms. i. 21, viii. 19, passim; verða langlífr, to be long-lived, Bs. i. 640; verða gamall, to become old, Nj. 85; verða sjúkr, veykr, to become sick; verða sjónlauss, blindr, to become blind, Eg. 759; verða ungr í annat sinn, Fms. i. 20; verða varr, to become aware (see varr); verða víss, Nj. 268; verða sekr, to become outlawed; verða vátr, to become wet, 15; verða missáttr við e-n, Landn. 150 (and so in endless instances): in the phrase, verða dauðr, to die; dauðr varð inn Húnski, Am. 98; áðr Haraldr inn Hárfagri yrði dauðr, Íb. 6; síðan Njáll var(ð) dauðr, Nj. 238, and a few more instances, very freq. on Runic stones, but now obsolete.
    β. with participles; verða búinn, to be ready, Fms. vii. 121; verða þeir ekki fundnir, they could not be found, Gísl. 56; verða staddr við e-t, to be present, Eg. 744; in mod. usage with a notion of futurity, e. g. eg verð búinn á morgun, I shall be ready to-morrow; eg verð farinn um það. I shall be gone then: with neut, part., járn er nýtekit verðr ór afli, just taken out of the furnace, Sks. 209 B; varð ekki eptir honum gengit, he was not pursued, Nj. 270; þeim varð litið til hafs, they happened to look, 125; honum varð litið upp til hlíðarinnar, 112; blóð varð eigi stöðvat, the blood could not be stopped, Fms. i. 46, Nj. 210.
    γ. phrases, e-m verðr bilt, to be amazed, Edda 29, Korm. 40, Nj. 169; verða felmt, 105; verða íllt við, hverft við, id.; Kolbeini varð ekki fyrir, K. lost his head, was paralysed, as if stunned, Sturl. iii. 285.
    3. with adverbs or adverbial phrases; ef þat bíðr at verða vet, Hm.; ma þetta verða vel þótt hitt yrði ílla, Nj.; verða verr enn til er stýrt, Róm. 321; hann varð vel við skaða sinn, bore it well, like a man, Eg. 76, Nj. 75; faðir hans varð ílla við þetta ( disliked it), ok kvað hann taka stein um megn sér, Fær. 58; jarl varð ílla við þetta, was much vexed by it, Fms. ix. 341; varð hann údrengiliga við sitt líflát, Ld. 234; hvernig varð hann við þá er þér rudduð skipið, Ó. H. 116; hversu Gunnarr varð við, how G. bore it, Nj. 82; verra verðr mér við, enn ek ætla at gott muni af leiða, 109; mér hefir orðit vel við þik í vetr, I have been pleased with thee this winter, Fms. vii. 112; eigi vildi ek svá við verða blóðlátið, fiskbleikr sem þú ert—Ek ætla, segir hinn, at þá myndir verr við verða ok ódrengiligar, 269; þar varð ílla með þeim, things went ill with them, they became enemies, Nj. 39: to behave, varð engum jafnvel til mín sem þessum, Fms. vii. 158; hann lætr sér verða á alla vega sem bezt til Áka, xi. 76; hann lét henni hafa orðit stórmannliga, Hkr. iii. 372.
    III. with prepp., verða af; hvat er orðit af e-u, what is come of it? where is it? of a thing lost; segðu mér þat, hvat varð af húnum mínum, Vkv. 30; hvat af motrinum er orðit, Ld. 208; nú hverfr Óspakr á brott svá at eigi vitu menn hvat af honum verðr, Band. 5; varð ekki af atlögu búanda, Ó. H. 184; ekki mun af sættum verða, Fb. i. 126: to come to pass, varð ekki af eptir-för, it came to naught; varð því ekki af ferðinni, Ísl. ii. 247; Símon kvað þá ekki mundu af því verða, S. said that could not be, Fms. vii. 250; ok verðr þetta af, at hann tekr við sveinunum, the end was that at last he took the boys, Fær. 36; eigi mun þér þann veg af verða, Karl. 197:—verða at e-u, to come to; hvat þér mun verða at bana, what will be the cause of thy death, Nj. 85; verða at flugu, Fas. i. 353 (see ‘at’ C. I. α); verða at undri, skömm, honum varð ekki at því kaupi, the bargain came to naught for him, Al. 7; cp. the mod. honum varð ekki að því, it failed for him:—e-m verðr á (cp. á-virðing), to make a blunder, mistake; kölluðu þat mjök hafa vorðit á fyrir föður sínum, at hann tók hann til sín, Fs. 35; þótti þér ekki á verða fyrir honum er hann náði eigi fénu, Nj. 33; Þorkell settisk þá niðr, ok hafði hvárki orðit á fyrir honum áðr né síðan, 185; aldri varð á um höfðingskap hans, 33:—verða eptir, to be left, Rb. 126, Stj. 124, 595; honum varð þar eptir geit ok hafr, Hrafn. 1:—verða fyrir e-u, to be hit, be the object of; fyrir víginu hefir orðit Svartr, S. is the person killed, Nj. 53; verða fyrir öfund, görningum, to be the victim of, Lex. Poët.: e-m verðr lítið fyrir e-u, it costs one small effort (see fyrir):—verða til e-s, to come forth to do a thing, volunteer, or the like; en sá er nefndr Hermóðr er til þeirrar farar varð, Edda 37; til þess hefir engi orðit fyrr en þú, at skora mér á hólm, Ísl. ii. 225; en engi varð til þess, no one volunteered, Nj. 86; einn maðr varð til at spyrja, 82; þá verðr til ok svarar máli konungs sá maðr, er …, Odd. 12; hverr sem til verðr um síðir at koma þeim á réttan veg, Fb. i. 273: fengu þeir ekki samit, því at þeim varð mart til, many things happened, i. e. so as to bring discord, Sturl. ii. 17 C; mundi okkr Einari eigi annat smátt til orðit, Hrafn. 9; eigi varð verri maðr til, there was no worse man, Stj. 482:—verða við, to respond to; bið ek þik at þú verðir við mér þó at engi sé verðleiki til, Barl. 59; at hann beiddi Snorra ásjá, en ef hann yrði eigi við bað hann Gretti fara vestr, Grett. 112 new Ed.; verða við bæn e-s, to grant one’s request, passim.
    IV. with infin., denoting necessity, one must, needs, one is forced, obliged to do; þat verðr hverr at vinna er ætlað er, Nj. 10; varð ek þá at selja Hrafni sjálfdæmi, Ísl. ii. 245; eða yrði þeir út at hafa þann ómaga, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 21; þat munu þér þá reyna verða, you must try, Fbr. 23 new Ed.; þar er bera verðr til grjót, where stones have to be carried, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 90; lágu hestarnir í kafi svá at draga varð upp, Eg. 546; en vita verð ek ( I must know) hvar til þetta heyrir, Fms. ii. 146; munu þér því verða annars-staðar á leita, Nj. 223; at hann man verða sækja á ókunn lönd, Fms. viii. 19; ok verðr af því líða yfir þat, it must be passed by, Post.; maðr verðr eptir mann lifa, a saying, Fas. ii. 552; verð ek nú flýja, Ó. H. 188; urðu þeir at taka við Kristni, 105; vér höfum orðit til at hætta lífi ok sálu, hefir margr saklauss orðit at láta, sumir féit ok sumir fjörit, 31, 32; vér munum verða lifa við öðrum veiði-mat, Hým. 16; verða at skiljask við e-n, Skv. 1. 24: the same verb twice, þá varð ek verða hapta, then came I to become a prisoner, Gkv. 1. 9; eg verð að verða eptir, I must stay behind.
    B. Peculiar isolated phrases, in some of which ‘verða’ is probably a different word, viz. = varða (q. v.), having been confounded with verða; thus, verða, verðr (= varða, varðar), to be liable, are frequent occurrences as a law phrase in the Grág.; svá fremi verðr beitin, ii. 226; þeim manni verðr fjörbaugs-garðr, er …, 212.
    2. the phrase, eigi verðr (= varðar) einn eiðr alla, see eiðr; also ymsar verðr sá er margar ferr, in many warfares there will be some defeats, Eg. 182.
    3. to forfeit, lose, prop. of paying a fine or penalty; heit ek á þann félaga er mik lætr eigi slíkt verða, Vápn. 11; æti þik ormar, yrða ek þik, kykvan, that snakes ate thee alive, and that I lost thee, Am. 22; fullhuginu sá er varð dróttinn, the brave man bereft of his master, Sighvat (Ó. H. 236); ek hefi orðinn þann guðföður, er …, I have lost a godfather who …, Hallfred (Js. 210); hér skaltú lífit verða, here shall thou forfeit life, i. e. die, Sturl. iii. (in a verse).
    4. the law phrase, verða síns, to suffer a loss; leiglendingr bæti honum allt þat er hann verðr síns fyrir lands-drottni (i. e. verðr missa), whatever he has to lose, whatever damage, Gþl. 362; þræll skal ekki verða síns um, N. G. L. i. 85; allt þat er hann verðr síns í, þá skal hinn bæta honum, Jb. 207 A; hann kvað þá ekki skyldu síns í verða (varða Ed.) um þetta mál, they should lose nothing, Rd. 253: vildi hann (viz. Herode) eigi verða heit sitt (= fyrir verða?), he would not forfeit, break his vow, Hom. 106.
    C. Reflex.; at þær ræður skyldi eigi með tjónum verðask, to be lost, forgotten, Sks. 561 B.
    2. recipr.; bræðr munu berjask ok at bönum verðask, Vsp. (Hb.); þá er bræðr tveir at bönum urðusk, Ýt. 11.
    3. part.; eptir orðna þrimu geira, Ód.; hluti orðna ok úorðna, past and future, MS. 623. 13; kvenna fegrst ok bezt at sér orðin, Nj. 268; þeir vóru svó vorðnir sik (so shapen, Germ. beschaffen), at þeir höfðu …, Stj. 7; þeir eru svá vorðnir sik, at þeir hafa eitt auga í miðju enninu, 68.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VERÐA

  • 10 γίνομαι

    γίνομαι (in the form γίγνομαι [s. below] Hom.+; as γίν. since Aristot.+; and s. Kühner-Bl. II p. 391; Schwyzer I 215; KBrugmann4-AThumb, Griech. Gramm. 1913, 126; Mayser p. 165 and lit. there). Impf. ἐγινόμην; fut. γενήσομαι; 2 aor. ἐγενόμην, 3 sg. opt. γένοιτο; very rare v.l. (B-D-F §81, 3) γενάμενος (GJs 6:1; 16;1; 25:1 [s. deStrycker 249]; also found in Ps.-Callisth. 1, 20, 1; 1, 41, 11; ApcEsdr 1:3 p. 24, 7 Tdf.; Mel., P. 49, 346 [Bodm.]). Pass.: fut. ptc. τῶν γενηθησομένων (Eccl 1:11 v.l.); 1 aor. ἐγενήθην (Doric, H. Gk.; Phryn. 108 Lob.; pap fr. III B.C., Mayser I/22 ’38, 157f [w. lit.]; ins [Schweizer 181; Nachmanson 168; Thieme 13]; LXX), impv. γενηθήτω; pf. γεγένημαι (Meisterhans3-Schw.: Att. ins since 376 B.C.; Mayser 391) uncontested use in NT only J 2:9; GJs 24:3 (γεγένν-pap); apolog. On pf. γέγονα s. Meisterhans3-Schw.: since 464 B.C.; Mayser 372; on the aoristic use of γέγονα s. Mlt. 145f; 238; 239; PChantraine, Histoire du parfait grec 1927, 233–45; 3 pl. γέγοναν Ro 16:7 (v.l. γεγόνασιν) and Rv 21:6; s. KBuresch, Γέγοναν: RhM 46, 1891, 193ff; Mlt. 52 n.; ptc. γεγονώς; plpf. 3 sg. ἐγεγόνει (1 Macc. 4:27; 2 Macc. 13:17; J 6:17; Just.), without augment γεγόνει (Ac 4:22; v.l. ἐγεγόνει), s. B-D-F §78; Mlt-H. 190. On the variation γίνομαι and γίγνομαι s. W-S. §5, 31; B-D-F §34, 4; Mlt-H. 108. A verb with numerous nuances relating to being and manner of being. Its contrast to the more static term εἰμί can be seen in Kaibel 595, 5 οὐκ ἤμην καὶ ἐγενόμην=I was not and then I came to be (cp. Ath. 4, 2 in 3 below).
    to come into being through process of birth or natural production, be born, be produced (SIG 1168, 6; Epict. 2, 17, 8; Wsd 7:3; Sir 44:9; Just., A I, 13, 3; Tat. 26, 2) J 8:58; w. ἔκ τινος foll. (Diod S 3, 64, 1; Appian, Basil. 5 §1; Parthenius 1, 4; Athen. 13, 37 p. 576c ἐξ ἑταίρας; PPetr III, 2, 20; PFlor 382, 38 ὁ ἐξ ἐμοῦ γενόμενος υἱός; 1 Esdr 4:16; Tob 8:6; Jos., Ant. 2, 216) Ro 1:3; Gal 4:4 (cp. 1QS 11:21). Also of plants 1 Cor 15:37. Of fruits ἔκ τινος be produced by a tree Mt 21:19 (cp. X., Mem. 3, 6, 13 ὁ ἐκ τ. χώρας γιγνόμενος σῖτος). W. ἀπό τινος foll. Ox 1081 (SJCh), 11 γε̣[ινόμε]νον, 14 γέγ[ονος], 14f γε[ι]νομεν[ον], 19 γέγονος.
    to come into existence, be made, be created, be manufactured, be performed
    gener. ὸ̔ γέγονεν J 1:3c (s. ref. to Vawter, below); w. διά τινος vs. 3a (MTeschendorf, D. Schöpfungsged. im NT: StKr 104, ’32, 337–72). W. χωρίς τινος vs. 3b (IAndrosIsis, Cyrene 15 [103 A.D.] Ἐμοῦ δὲ χωρὶς γείνετʼ οὐδὲν πώποτε; Cleanthes, Hymn to Zeus 15 [Stoic. I 537=Coll. Alex. no. 1 p. 227] οὐδέ τι γίγνεται ἔργον σοῦ δίχα; note the related style 1QH 1:20; on the syntax of J 1:3f see BVawter, CBQ 25, ’63, 401–6, who favors a full stop after οὐδὲ ἕν, s. εἷς 2b and lit. cited there on J 1:3). W. ἔκ τινος Hb 11:3. Of cult images διὰ χειρῶν γινόμενοι made w. hands Ac 19:26 (cp. PRyl 231, 3 [40 A.D.] τοὺς ἄρτους γενέσθαι). Of miracles: be done, take place (Tob 11:15; Wsd 19:13 v.l. Swete) Mt 11:20f, 23; Lk 10:13; Ac 8:13. ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν γεγόνει τὸ σημεῖον τοῦτο on whom this miracle had been performed 4:22. W. mention of the author διά τινος (cp. 4 Macc 17:11) 2:43; 4:16, 30; 12:9; 24:2. διὰ τῶν χειρῶν τινος Mk 6:2; Ac 14:3. ὑπό τινος (Herodian 8, 4, 2; OGI 168, 46 [115 B.C.] τὰ γεγονότα ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρὸς φιλάνθρωπα; UPZ III, 3, 7 [116 B.C.]; PTebt 786, 14 [II B.C.]; Wsd 9:2; Jos., Ant. 8, 111; 347; Just., D. 35, 8 τῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ [Jesus] καὶ νῦν γινομένων δυνάμεων) Lk 9:7 v.l.; 13:17; 23:8; Eph 5:12. Of commands, instructions be fulfilled, performed γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου thy will be done (Appian, Liby. 90 §423 τὸ πρόσταγμα δεῖ γενέσθαι; Syntipas p. 25, 3 γενέσθω τὸ αἴτημα) Mt 6:10; 26:42; Lk 11:2; cp. 22:42. γέγονεν ὸ̔ ἐπέταξας your order has been carried out 14:22. γενέσθαι τὸ αἴτημα αὐτῶν that their demand should be granted 23:24. Of institutions: be established, the Sabbath for the sake of humans Mk 2:27 (Crates, Ep. 24 οὐ γεγόνασιν οἱ ἄνθρωποι τ. ἵππων χάριν, ἀλλʼ οἱ ἵπποι τ. ἀνθρώπων).
    w. mention of the special nature of an undertaking: ἵνα οὕτως γένηται ἐν ἐμοί in order to have such action taken in my case 1 Cor 9:15. ἐν τῷ ξηρῷ τί γένηται; what will be done when it (the wood) is dry? Lk 23:31.
    come into being as an event or phenomenon from a point of origin, arise, come about, develop (Alcaeus 23 Diehl2 [320 L-P.] καί κʼ οὐδὲν ἐκ δένος γένοιτο=nothing could originate from nothing; Ath. 4:2 τὸ ὸ̓ν οὐ γίνεται ἀλλὰ τὸ μὴ ὸ̓ν)
    of events or phenomena in nature (Sir 40:10; Ex 10:22; Job 40:23; Jos., Ant. 9, 36): lightning, thunder (X., An. 3, 1, 11) J 12:29; Rv 8:5; 11:19; calm (on the sea) Mt 8:26; Mk 4:39; Lk 8:24; storm Mk 4:37; a cloud (cp. Jos., Ant. 9, 36) 9:7; Lk 9:34; Hv 4, 3, 7; flood Lk 6:48; earthquake (Parian Marbles [III B.C.]=FGrH: 239B, 24) Mt 8:24; 28:2; Ac 16:26; Rv 6:12; 11:13; 16:18; darkness Mt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44; J 6:17; hail, fire Rv 8:7. Of a dawning day ὅτε δὲ ἡμέρα ἐγένετο (cp. περὶ ἀρχομένην ἡμέραν ‘about dawn’ Jos., Vi 15: in a related story of shipwreck) Ac 27:39.
    of other occurrences (Arrian, Anab. 4, 4, 3 τὰ ἱερὰ οὐκ ἐγίγνετο=the sacrifice did not turn out [favorably]; 1 Macc 1:25; 4:58; 9:27; 13:44; Jdth 7:29; 14:19 al.): complaining Ac 6:1; persecution, oppression Mt 13:21; 24:21; Mk 4:17; 13:19; Ac 11:19; discussion J 3:25; Ac 15:7; tumult Mt 26:5; 27:24; GJs 21:1 and 25:1; a sound Ac 2:2, 6; weeping 20:37; clamor 23:9; Mt 25:6; AcPl Ha 4, 6; famine Lk 4:25; 15:14; Ac 11:28; ὁρμή (q.v.) 14:5; war Rv 12:7; sharp contention Ac 15:39; tear (in a garment) Mt 9:16; Mk 2:21; Lk 6:49; silence (s. σιγή) Ac 21:40; Rv 8:1; στάσις (q.v. 2) Lk 23:19; Ac 15:2; 23:7, 10; concourse 21:30; confusion 19:23; shout, loud voice 2:6; 19:34; Rv 11:15; dispute Lk 22:24; envy, strife 1 Ti 6:4; astonishment AcPl Ha 4, 25; joy 6, 3; prayer 6, 7; offering 6, 37.
    of the various divisions of a day (Jdth 13:1; 1 Macc 5:30; 4 Macc 3:8 al.) γενομένης ἡμέρας when day came (Jos., Ant. 10, 202, Vi. 405) Lk 4:42; Ac 12:18; 16:35; 23:12; cp. Lk 6:13; 22:66; Ac 27:29, 33, 39. Difft. Mk 6:21 γενομένης ἡμέρας εὐκαίρου when a convenient/opportune day arrived. ὀψέ (cp. Gen 29:25; 1 Km 25:37) 11:19. ὀψίας γενομένης Mt 8:16; 14:15, 23; 16:2; 26:20; 27:57; Mk 1:32; 6:47; 14:17; 15:42; cp. J 6:16. πρωί̈ας Mt 27:1; J 21:4. νύξ Ac 27:27. ὥρας πολλῆς γενομένης when it had grown late Mk 6:35; cp. 15:33; Lk 22:14; Ac 26:4.
    to occur as process or result, happen, turn out, take place (Dicaearch., Fgm. 102 W.: a campaign ‘takes place’; Diod S 32 Fgm. 9c τὰς εἰς τ. πατέρα γεγενημένας ἁμαρτίας=the misdeeds ‘perpetrated’ against his father; 2 Macc 1:32; 13:17; 3 Macc 1:11; 4:12; 5:17 al.)
    gener. τοῦτο ὅλον γέγονεν all this took place w. ἵνα foll. Mt 1:22; 26:56. ἕως ἂν πάντα γένηται until all has taken place (=is past) 5:18. πάντα τὰ γενόμενα everything that had happened (cp. Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 121 §508 τὰ γενόμενα; 1 Esdr 1:10; Jdth 15:1; 1 Macc 4:20; 2 Macc 10:21; 3 Macc 1:17) 18:31; cp. 21:21; 24:6, 20, 34; 26:54; 27:54; 28:11; Mk 5:14. ἴδωμεν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο τὸ γεγονός let us see this thing that has taken place Lk 2:15 (TestAbr A 15 p. 96, 15 [Stone p. 40]) θανάτου γενομένου since a death has occurred, i.e. since he has died Hb 9:15. τούτου γενομένου after this had happened (Jos., Ant. 9, 56; 129) Ac 28:9. τὸ γεγονός what had happened (Diod S 12, 49, 4; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 18 §496; Jos., Ant. 14, 292) Lk 8:34; 24:12. τὰ γεγονότα AcPl Ha 11, 1.—μὴ γένοιτο strong negation, in Paul only after rhet. questions (cp. TestJob 38:1; JosAs 25:8; Epict., index p. 540e; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 1, 2, Dial. Meretr. 13, 4; Achilles Tat. 5, 18, 4; Aristaen., Ep. 1, 27) by no means, far from it, God forbid (Goodsp., Probs., 88; AMalherbe, HTR 73, ’80, 231–41) Lk 20:16; Ro 3:4, 6, 31; 6:2, 15; 7:7, 13; 9:14; 11:1, 11; 1 Cor 6:15; Gal 2:17; 3:21. In more extensive phrasing (the LXX has exx. only of this usage: Gen 44:17; 3 Km 20:3 al.; cp. Josh 22:29; Demosth. 10, 27; Alciphron 2, 5, 3 al.; Ael. Aristid. 23, 80 K.=42 p. 795 D.; 30 p. 578 D.; 54 p. 679 ὸ̔ μὴ γένοιτο) Gal 6:14; w. ἵνα foll. AcPl Ha 7, 40. τί γέγονεν ὅτι (cp. Eccl 7:10) why is it that J 14:22.—Of festivals: be held, take place, come (X., Hell. 7, 4, 28 τὰ Ὀλύμπια; 4, 5, 1; 4 Km 23:22f; 2 Macc 6:7) feast of dedication J 10:22; passover Mt 26:2; sabbath Mk 6:2; wedding J 2:1.—Abs. impv. (put twice for emphasis as Lucian, Pisc. 1 βάλλε, βάλλε; Philostrat., Ep. 35, 1 λάβε λάβε; Procop. Soph., Ep. 45) γενηθήτω γενηθήτω so let it be as a closing formula 1 Cor 16:24 v.l. (cp. Herodas 4, 85, where the sacristan closes his prayer to Asclepius with the words: ὧδε ταῦτʼ εἴη=so may it be).—On γένοιτο ἀμήν GJs 6:2 s. ἀμήν 1a.
    w. dat. of pers. affected
    α. w. inf. foll. (UPZ 24, 29 al.; 1 Macc 13:5; Jos., Ant. 6, 232) ὅπως μὴ γένηται αὐτῷ χρονοτριβῆσαι so that he would not have to lose time Ac 20:16.
    β. w. adv. or adv. phrase added (1 Esdr 6:33) κατὰ τὴν πίστιν ὑμῶν γενηθήτω ὑμῖν according to your faith let it be done to you, i.e. you believe, and you won’t be disappointed Mt 9:29; cp. 8:13. γένοιτό μοι κατὰ τὸ ῥῆμά σου may that happen to me as you have said Lk 1:38. πῶς ἐγένετο τῷ δαιμονιζομένῳ what had happened to the possessed man Mk 5:16. ἵνα εὖ σοι γένηται that it may be well w. you Eph 6:3 (Dt 5:16; cp. Epict. 2, 5, 29 εὖ σοι γένοιτο; Aelian, VH 9, 36). γενηθήτω σοι ὡς θέλεις let it be done for you as you desire, i.e. your wish is granted Mt 15:28.
    γ. w. nom. of thing (1 Macc 4:25; Sir 51:17; Ar. 15:5) γίνεταί τινί τι someth. happens to or befalls a person Mk 9:21. ἵνα μὴ χεῖρόν σοί τι γένηται lest someth. worse come upon you J 5:14. τί ἐγένετο αὐτῷ what has happened to him Ac 7:40 (Ex 32:1, 23; AcPl Ha 5, 20). τὸ γεγενημένον αὐτῷ Ac 3:10 D. ἐγίνετο πάσῃ ψυχῄ φόβος fear came upon everyone (cp. Tob 11:18) 2:43. λύπη AcPl Ha 6, 16. Freq. γέγονε ἐμοί τι someth. has come to me= I have someth.: πώρωσις τῷ Ἰσραὴλ γέγονεν a hardening (of heart) has befallen Israel Ro 11:25; σωτηρία τῷ Ἰσραὴλ γεγένηται GJs 19:2; cp. Lk 19:9; διὰ τὴν ὀπτασίαν τὴν γενομένην Παύλῳ AcPl Ha 3, 15; ἐὰν γένηταί τινι ἀνθρώπῳ ἑκατὸν πρόβατα if a man has a hundred sheep Mt 18:12. τοῖς ἔξω ἐν παραβολαῖς τὰ πάντα γίνεται those outside receive everything in parables Mk 4:11. μήποτε γένηται ἀνταπόδομά σοι that you may receive no repayment Lk 14:12; cp. 19:9; J 15:7; 1 Cor 4:5.
    w. gen. of pers. (Diod S 16, 64, 2 τὸν τῆς Ἑλένης γεγενημένον ὅρμον=the necklace that had belonged to Helen): ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ κόσμου τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν the kingdom of the world has come into the possession of our Lord Rv 11:15.
    γίνεταί τι ἐπί τινι someth. happens in the case of or to a person Mk 5:33 v.l.; ἐν v.l. This can also be expressed w. εἴς τινα Ac 28:6 or the double nom. τί ἄρα ὁ Πέτρος ἐγένετο what had become of Peter 12:18 (cp. Jos., Vi. 296 οἱ εἴκοσι χρυσοῖ τὶ γεγόνασιν).
    w. inf. foll., to emphasize the actual occurrence of the action denoted by the verb: ἐὰν γένηται εὑρεῖν αὐτό if it comes about that he finds it= if he actually finds it Mt 18:13 (s. PCatt V, 19f [=Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 372 V] ἐὰν γένηταί με ἀποδημεῖν; PAmh 135, 10; BGU 970, 5). ἐγένετο αὐτὸν παραπορεύεσθαι he happened to be passing Mk 2:23; cp. Lk 6:1, 6. ἐγένετο ἀνεῳχθῆναι τὸν οὐρανόν just then the heaven opened Lk 3:21; cp. 16:22 (ἐν τῷ ἀποθανεῖν P75); Ac 4:5; 9:3, 32, 37, 43; 11:26; 14:1; 16:16; 19:1; 21:1, 5; 22:6, 17; 27:44; 28:8 (UPZ 62, 29 [161 B.C.] γίνεται γὰρ ἐντραπῆναι).
    καὶ ἐγένετο (ἐγένετο δέ) periphrastic like וַיְהִי with וַ foll. to indicate the progress of the narrative; it is followed either by a conjunction like ὅτε, ὡς etc., or a gen. abs., or a prepositional constr., and joined to it is a finite verb w. καί (Jdth 5:22; 10:1; Sus 19 Theod.; 1 Macc 1:1; 5:1; Gen 39:7, 13, 19; 42:35; JosAs 11:1; 22:1; AscIs 3:2) Mt 9:10; Mk 2:15 v.l.; Lk 2:15; 5:1, 12, 17; 8:1, 22; 14:1.—Without the second καί (Jdth 2:4; 12:10; 13:12; 1 Macc 6:8; 7:2 v.l.; 9:23; Sus 28 Theod.; Bel 18 Theod.; TestAbr B 1 p. 105, 1 [Stone p. 58] and 6 p. 109, 27 [Stone p. 66]; TestJob 31:1; JosAs 1:1; 3:1) Mt 7:28; 11:1; 13:53; 19:1; 26:1; Mk 1:9; 4:4; Lk 1:8, 23, 41, 59; 2:1, 6, 46; 6:12 al. At times it is followed by an inf. The phrase is usually omitted in translation; older versions transl. it came to pass.—Mlt. 16f; MJohannessohn, Das bibl. καὶ ἐγένετο u. s. Geschichte: ZVS 53, 1926, 161–212 (LXX); s. MDibelius, Gnomon 3, 1927, 446–50; HPernot, Études sur la langue des Évangiles 1927, 189–99; KBeyer, Semitische Syntax im NT, ’62, 29–62; JReiling, BT 16, ’65, 153–63; EDelebecque, Études grecques sur l’Évangile de Luc ’76, 123–65.
    to experience a change in nature and so indicate entry into a new condition, become someth.
    w. nouns (Lamellae Aur. Orphicae ed. AOlivieri 1915, p. 16, 5 θεὸς ἐγένου ἐξ ἀνθρώπου [IV/III]; Arrian, Anab. 5, 26, 5; Sir 51:2; 1 Esdr 4:26; Wsd 8:2; 4 Macc 16:6; En 103:11; Tat. 19, 2 τοῦ θανάτου καταφρονηταὶ γίνεσθε): ὅπως γένησθε υἱοὶ τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν that you may become sons of your father Mt 5:45; ποιήσω ὑμᾶς γενέσθαι ἁλιεῖς ἀνθρώπων I will turn you into fishers of people Mk 1:17; a traitor Lk 6:16; friends 23:12 (cp. Jos., Ant. 11, 121); children of God J 1:12; children of light 12:36; a Christian Ac 26:29; apostle AcPlCor 2:4; a father Ro 4:18; a fool 1 Cor 3:18; a spectacle 4:9; a man, an adult 13:11 (Tob 1:9); a curse Gal 3:13. οὐχ ἑαυτὸν ἐδόξασεν γενηθῆναι ἀρχιερέα he did not exalt himself to be made high priest Hb 5:5; ἐγένετο ἀντὶ αὐτοῦ Σαμουήλ Samuel became (high priest) in his place GJs 10:2. W. double nom. (Ps.-Apollod., Epit. 3, 15 δράκων λίθος ἐγένετο; Quint. Smyrn. 12, 507; Bel 28; 4 Macc 18:7) οἱ λίθοι ἄρτοι γίνονται the stones turn into loaves Mt 4:3. τὸ αἵμα αὐτοῦ λίθον γεγενημένον GJs 24:3. ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο J 1:14 (the reverse PBerl 13044, col. III, 28ff [UWilcken, SBBerlAk 1923, 161f] τί ποιῶν ἄν τις γένοιτο θεός;). τὸ ὕδωρ γενήσεται πηγή 4:14. ἡ περιτομὴ ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν Ro 2:25. ἐγενόμην ἐγὼ διάκονος I became a courier Col 1:23 (cp. Herodian 2, 6, 8 ἀνὴρ ἔπαρχος γενόμενος).—Also γ. εἴς τι (Menand., Peric. 49f Kö. [169f S.] τὸ κακὸν εἰς ἀγαθὸν ῥέπει γινόμενον; 1 Km 4:9; Jdth 5:18; 1 Macc 2:11, 43; 3:58; En 19:2 al.; B-D-F §145, 1): ἐγένετο εἰς δένδρον it became a tree Lk 13:19; εἰς κεφαλὴν γωνίας Mt 21:42; Mk 12:10; Lk 20:17; Ac 4:11; 1 Pt 2:7 (all in ref. to Ps 117:22); εἰς χαρὰν γ. change (or, turn) into joy J 16:20. εἰς οὐδέν come to nothing Ac 5:36. εἰς παγίδα Ro 11:9 (Ps 68:23); εἰς κενὸν γ. be done in vain 1 Th 3:5. εἰς ἄψινθον Rv 8:11. Cp. AcPl Ha 6, 6. Also w. γίνεσθαι omitted: εἰς κατάκριμα (sc. ἐγένετο τὸ κρίμα) Ro 5:18.
    used w. an adj. to paraphrase the passive (Jdth 11:11; 1 Esdr 7:3; 2 Macc 3:34; Sus 64 Theod.; En 103:9; Ath. 37, 1 πάντων ὑποχειρίων γιγνομένων): ἁπαλὸν γ. become tender Mt 24:32; Mk 13:28; ἀπειθῆ γ. Ac 26:19; ἀποσυνάγωγον γ. be expelled fr. the synagogue J 12:42; ἄφαντον γ. disappear Lk 24:31; σκωληκόβρωτον γ. be eaten by worms Ac 12:23; γνωστόν, φανερὸν γ. become known (Just., A I, 63, 6) Mk 6:14; Ac 1:19; 9:42; 19:17; 1 Cor 3:13; 14:25; Phil 1:13; δόκιμον γ. pass the test Js 1:12; ἑδραῖον γ. 1 Cor 15:58; ἔκδηλον γ. 2 Ti 3:9; AcPlCor 1:16; ἔξυπνον γ. Ac 16:27 (1 Esdr 3:3=Jos., Ant. 11:34); s. ἀπόπληκτος, ἐλεύθερος, ἐμφανής, ἔμφοβος, ἐνεργής, ἔντρομος, καθαρός, μέγας, περιδάκρυτος, περικρατής, πλήρης, πρηνής, τυφλός, ὑγιής, ὑπήκοος, ὑπόδικος, φανερός 1.
    w. ἐν of a state of being (Stoic. III 221, 16; Diod S 20, 62, 4 ἐν ἀνέσει γ.; Plut., Tit. Flam. 378 [16, 1] ἐν ὀργῇ γ.; Lucian, Tim. 28; PPetr II, 20; III, 12 [252 B.C.] ἐν ἐπισχέσει γ.; BGU 5 II, 19 ἐν νόσῳ; POxy 471 IV, 77f; 4 Km 9:20; 1 Macc 1:27 v.l.; Sus 8 Theod.; Jos., Bell. 1, 320, Ant. 16, 372; Mel., P. 18 ἐν πόνοις … ἐν πληγαῖς etc.) ἐν ἀγωνίᾳ Lk 22:44. ἐν ἐκστάσει Ac 22:17. ἐν πνεύματι under the Spirit’s influence Rv 1:10; 4:2; AcPl Ha 6, 28. ἐν ὁμοιώματι ἀνθρώπων be like human beings Phil 2:7. ἐν ἀσθενείᾳ, φόβῳ, τρόμῳ 1 Cor 2:3. ἐν δόξῃ 2 Cor 3:7. ἐν ἑαυτῷ γ. come to one’s senses (Soph., Phil. 950; X., An. 1, 5, 17; Polyb. 1, 49, 8; Chariton 3, 9, 11) Ac 12:11; γ. ἐν Χριστῷ be a Christian Ro 16:7. Cp. 7 below.
    to make a change of location in space, move
    εἴς τι (Hdt. 5, 87 al.; Philo, Op. M. 86; 2 Macc 1:13; also ἐν: Just., A II, 9, 3 ἐγενόμεθα ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ τόπω): εἰς Ἱεροσόλυμα γ. (Jos., Ant. 10, 42) Ac 20:16; 21:17; 25:15. εἰς τὸν ἀγρόν Hv 3, 1, 4. Of a voice: ἐγένετο εἰς τὰ ὦτά μου reached my ear Lk 1:44. Fig. (cp. Bar 4:28) of Abraham’s blessing εἰς τὰ ἔθνη come to the Gentiles Gal 3:14; cp. 2 Cor 8:14 (s. περίσσευμα 1, ὑστέρημα 1).
    ἔκ τινος (Job 28:2): γ. ἐκ μέσου be removed, Lat. e medio tolli (cp. Ps.-Aeschin., Ep. 12, 6 ἐκ μέσου γενομένων ἐκείνων; Plut., Timol. 238 [5, 3]; Achilles Tat. 2, 27, 2) 2 Th 2:7 (HFulford, ET 23, 1912, 40f: ‘leave the scene’). Of a voice fr. heaven: ἐκ τ. οὐρανῶν γ. sound forth fr. heaven (2 Macc 2:21; cp. Da 4:31 Theod.) Mk 1:11; Lk 3:22; 9:35; cp. vs. 36.
    ἐπί τι: ἐπὶ τὸ μνημεῖον go to the tomb Lk 24:22; ἐπὶ τοὺς ἀναβαθμούς when he was at the steps Ac 21:35. Of fear that befalls someone (2 Macc 12:22) Lk 1:65; 4:36; Ac 5:5. Of ulcers: break out on someone Rv 16:2 (Ex 9:10f). Of divine commands: go out to someone Lk 3:2. ἐπί is somet. used w. the gen. (Appian, Liby. 93 §440; Alex. Aphr., Mixt. II 2 p. 213, 21) instead of the acc.: γενόμενος ἐπὶ τοῦ τόπου when he had arrived at the place 22:40 (Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 327, 18 ἐπὶ τ. τόπων γινόμενος).—J 6:21.
    w. κατά and gen. of place: τὸ γενόμενον ῥῆμα καθʼ ὅλης τῆς Ἰουδαίας the message that has spread throughout all Judea Ac 10:37. W. acc. of place (X., Cyr. 7, 1, 15; Apollon. Paradox. 3 κατὰ τόπους γ.; Jos., Ant. I, 174; cp. 2 Macc 9:8): γενόμενος κατὰ τὸν τόπον Lk 10:32; γενόμενοι κατὰ τὴν Κνίδον Ac 27:7.
    w. πρός and acc. of the direction and goal (PLond III, 962, 1 p. 210 [III A.D.] γενοῦ πρὸς Ἄταϊν τὸν ποιμένα; PFlor 180, 45) 1 Cor 2:3; 2J 12. Of divine instructions be given to someone (Gen 15:1, 4; Jer 1:2, 11; 13:8; Ezk 6:1; Hos 1:1; cp. ἐπί w. acc.) J 10:35; Ac 7:31 v.l.; 10:13; 13:32.
    w. σύν and the dat. join someone (X., Cyr. 5, 3, 8; 2 Macc 13:13) Lk 2:13.
    w. ἐγγύς (X., An. 1, 8, 8, Cyr. 7, 1, 7; cp. γίν. πλησίον Philo, Mos. 1, 228; Jos., Ant. 4, 40): ἐγγὺς τοῦ πλοίου γίνεσθαι come close to the boat J 6:19. Fig. of the relation of believers to Christ: come near Eph 2:13.
    w. ὧδε come here J 6:25;
    ἔμπροσθέν τινος γ. J 1:15, 30 s. on ἔμπροσθεν 1bζ and ὀπίσω 2b.
    to come into a certain state or possess certain characteristics, to be, prove to be, turn out to be (on relation to the forms of εἰμί [here and in 8–10] s. ALink, StKr 69, 1896, 420ff). Used w. the nom. (Wsd 16:3; Jdth 16:21; Sir 31:22; 1 Macc 3:58) γίνεσθε φρόνιμοι be prudent Mt 10:16. ἄκαρπος γίνεται 13:22; Mk 4:19.—W. other words: vs. 22; 9:50; Lk 1:2; 2:2; 6:36 and very oft. Freq. the dat. of advantage (dat. commodi) is added (1 Macc 10:47; 2 Macc 7:37; 4 Macc 6:28; 12:17): ἀγαπητόν τινι γ. be dear to someone 1 Th 2:8. ἀπρόσκοπον γ. τινι be inoffensive to someone 1 Cor 10:32; γ. τινι μαθητήν J 15:8; μισθαποδότην γ. τινι be a rewarder of someone Hb 11:6; γ. ὁδηγόν τινι Ac 1:16. Cp. παρηγορία, σημεῖον, τύπος.—γ. ὁμοθυμαδόν come together in unanimity or reach unanimity Ac 15:25.—τὶ γίνεταί τινί τι a thing results in someth. for someone τὸ ἀγαθὸν ἐμοὶ ἐγ. θάνατος; Ro 7:13. ἡ ἐξουσία πρόσκομμα τοῖς ἀσθενέσιν 1 Cor 8:9.—γίνομαι ὡς, ὥσπερ, ὡσεί τις (Ps 21:15; 31:9; 37:15; 82:11; 87:5 al.) be, become, show oneself like Mt 6:16; 10:25; 18:3; 28:4; Lk 22:26, 44; 1 Cor 4:13; 9:20f; Gal 4:12. καθὼς ἐγένετο … οὕτως ἔσται as it was … so it will be Lk 17:26, 28. οὐ χρὴ ταῦτα οὕτως γίνεσθαι this should not be so Js 3:10. ὁσίως καὶ δικαίως καὶ ἀμέμπτως ὑμῖν ἐγενήθημεν we proved/showed ourselves … toward you 1 Th 2:10.—In statements pert. to age (Aristoxenus, Fgm. 16 γεγονότα [sc. τὸν Πυθαγόραν] ἐτῶν τεσσαράκοντα; Demetr. of Phaleron [IV–III B.C.], Fgm. 153 Wehrli [’49]; Demetr: 722 Fgm. 1, 1 Jac.; Jos., Ant. 10, 50) ἐτῶν δώδεκα Lk 2:42; cp. 1 Ti 5:9.—Here prob. also belongs ἐγένετο γνώμης he decided Ac 20:3 (cp. Plut., Phoc. 752 [23, 4] ἐλπίδος μεγάλης γ.; Cass. Dio 61, 14 τ. ἐπιθυμίας γ.; Jos., Bell. 6, 287).
    to be present at a given time, be there ([Ps.-]Jos., Ant. 18, 63) Mk 1:4; J 1:6, hence exist (Diod S 3, 52, 4 γέγονε γένη γυναικῶν=there have been nations of women; Appian, Maced. 18 §3 τὸ χρυσίον τὸ γιγνόμενον=the gold that was at hand; Bar 3:26; 2 Macc 10:24) Ro 11:5; 1J 2:18. ἐγένετο there lived Lk 1:5. ἔν τινι 2 Pt 2:1. ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς Rv 16:18 (Da 12:1 Theod.).
    to be closely related to someone or someth., belong to
    gen. of the possessor (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 79 §336 a slave γεγένητο Πομπηίου=had belonged to Pompey: B-D-F §162, 7) belong to someone Lk 20:14, 33 (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 83 §350 γυνὴ Κράσσου γεγενημένη=who had been the wife of [the younger] Crassus).
    w. dat. of pers. belong to someone (PPetr II, 40b, 7 [277 B.C.]; O. Wilck II, 1530, 2f [120 B.C.] τὸ γινόμενόν μοι=what belongs to me) of a woman ἀνδρὶ ἑτέρῳ Ro 7:3f (cp. Ruth 1:12f; Dt 24:2).
    w. prep. μετά τινος (Josh 2:19) Ac 9:19; 20:18. οἱ μετʼ αὐτοῦ γενόμενοι his intimate friends Mk 16:10. πρός τινα be w. someone 1 Cor 16:10 ( make him [Timothy] feel quite at home with you Mft.) ὑπό τινα be under the authority of someone or someth. (1 Macc 10:38) Gal 4:4.
    Here perh. belongs ἰδίας ἐπιλύσεως οὐ γίνεται it is not a matter of private interpretation 2 Pt 1:20.
    to be in or at a place, be in, be there
    ἔν τινι to designate one’s present or future place of residence (X., An. 4, 3, 29; Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 4 §15 Ἀντώνιος ἐν Ἐφέσῳ γενόμενος; Aelian, VH 4, 15; Herodian 2, 2, 5; POxy 283, 11; 709, 6 ἐν Μένφει γενόμενος; PTebt 416, 3; BGU 731 II, 6 ἐν οἰκίᾳ μου; Num 11:35; Judg 17:4; 1 Ch 14:17; Jdth 5:7 al. Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 18 Jac.) Mt 26:6; Mk 9:33; Ac 7:38; 13:5; 2 Ti 1:17; Rv 1:9; AcPl Ha 7, 23.
    w. adv.: ἐκεῖ (X., An. 6, 5, 20; 3 Km 8:8 v.l.; Jos., Ant. 10, 180) Ac 19:21. κατὰ μόνας Mk 4:10.—B. 637. DELG s.v. γίγνομαι. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > γίνομαι

  • 11 esperado

    hoped-for, awaited-for, expected, due-out.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: esperar.
    * * *
    1) (=previsto) [resultados] expected
    2) (=deseado)
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) ( aguardado) <acontecimiento/carta> eagerly awaited
    * * *
    = hoped for [hoped-for], expected.
    Ex. The hoped for panaceas are either not materialising or proving illusory = Las panaceas tan esperadas no se materializaron o resultaron ser ficticias.
    Ex. A much more effective method is to count the number of occurrences of a word in relation to the expected number.
    * ansiosamente esperado = eagerly-awaited [eagerly awaited].
    * esperado ansiosamente = expectantly-awaited.
    * esperado durante tiempo y con ansiedad = long-and-expectantly-awaited.
    * esperado hace tiempo = overdue.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) ( aguardado) <acontecimiento/carta> eagerly awaited
    * * *
    = hoped for [hoped-for], expected.

    Ex: The hoped for panaceas are either not materialising or proving illusory = Las panaceas tan esperadas no se materializaron o resultaron ser ficticias.

    Ex: A much more effective method is to count the number of occurrences of a word in relation to the expected number.
    * ansiosamente esperado = eagerly-awaited [eagerly awaited].
    * esperado ansiosamente = expectantly-awaited.
    * esperado durante tiempo y con ansiedad = long-and-expectantly-awaited.
    * esperado hace tiempo = overdue.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.

    * * *
    1 (aguardado) ‹acontecimiento/carta› eagerly awaited
    el acontecimiento más esperado del año the most eagerly awaited event of the year
    su tan esperada llegada his long-awaited arrival
    (que es de esperar): no obtuvieron los resultados esperados they didn't get the results they expected
    * * *

    Del verbo esperar: ( conjugate esperar)

    esperado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    a) ( aguardado) ‹acontecimiento/carta eagerly awaited

    esperar ( conjugate esperar) verbo transitivo
    a)autobús/persona/acontecimiento to wait for;

    ¿qué estás esperando para decírselo? tell him! what are you waiting for?

    a) (contar con, prever) to expect;

    cuando uno menos lo espera when you least expect it;
    te espero alrededor de las nueve I'll expect you around nine;
    ¿esperabas que te felicitara? did you expect me to congratulate you?;
    era de esperado que el proyecto fracasara the project was bound to fail
    b)niño/bebé to be expecting

    3 ( con esperanza) to hope;
    eso espero or espero que sí I hope so;

    esperado hacer algo to hope to do sth;
    espero que no llueva I hope it doesn't rain;
    esperemos que no sea nada grave let's hope it's nothing serious
    verbo intransitivo

    espera a estar seguro wait until you're sure;
    esperadoon (a) que él se fuera para entrar they waited for him to go before they went in
    b) [ embarazada]:

    esperarse verbo pronominal
    1 (fam) ( aguardar) to hang on (colloq), to hold on (colloq)
    2 (fam) ( prever) to expect;
    ¡quién se lo iba a esperado! who would have thought it!

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (aguardar) to wait for: espera un momento, ¿seguro que hablas del mismo Pedro?, wait a minute, are you sure you're talking about the same Peter?
    2 (tener esperanza) to hope: espero que todo salga bien, I hope everything turns out well ➣ Ver nota en hope 3 (desear, suponer) to expect
    4 fig (un hijo) to expect ➣ Ver nota en expect
    II verbo intransitivo to wait: no puedo esperar más, I can't wait any longer
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar de aquí te espero, incredible, massive: afuera hay un follón de aquí te espero, there's an incredible mess outside
    esperar sentado, to have a long wait in store: si creéis que voy a participar en esa locura podéis esperar sentados, if you think that I'm going to have any part of that madness, you'll have to wait a long time
    Esperar tiene tres significados básicos, que corresponden a tres verbos ingleses:
    Aguardar, en sentido general, se traduce por to wait: Llevo media hora esperándote, I've been waiting for you for half an hour.
    Tener esperanza, desear, se traduce por to hope: Espero que vengas mañana. I hope you will come tomorrow. Espero que sí. I hope so.
    Suponer, esperar algo sabiendo que es muy probable que ocurra, se traduce por to expect: Espero la visita de un amigo (sabemos que va a venir). I'm expecting a friend to call.
    ' esperado' also found in these entries:
    - bastante
    - de
    - inesperada
    - inesperado
    - antes
    - atrasado
    - due
    - enjoyable
    - overachiever
    * * *
    esperado, -a adj
    1. [anhelado] long-awaited, eagerly awaited;
    por fin llegó la fecha del esperado concierto at last the day of the long-awaited concert arrived;
    su esperado regreso a los escenarios her long-awaited return to the stage
    2. [previsto] expected;
    fue el resultado esperado it was the result they expected;
    tuvo una reacción no por esperada menos violenta he reacted in a way that was none the less violent for being expected

    Spanish-English dictionary > esperado

  • 12 vъtorъjь

    vъtorъjь Grammatical information: num. o Proto-Slavic meaning: `second, secondary
    Old Church Slavic:
    vъtorъ `second, secondary' [num o] \{1\}
    vtorój `second, secondary' [num o] \{2\}
    vtóryj `second, secondary' [num o]
    wtóry (arch.) `second, secondary' [num o]
    vtóri `second' [num o]
    Indo-European reconstruction: (h1)ui-tor-o-
    Comments: The PIE form may have had initial *h₁- < *d- as a result of dissimilation before a following dental. It is not very likely that the PIE form was *n-toro-, with an unparallelled zero grade of the root reflected in Lith. añtras `second', etc.
    Other cognates:
    Skt. vitarám (RV) `again, further' [adv];
    YAv. vītarǝm `further' [adv]
    \{1\} The variant vьtor- only occurs in the Codex Suprasliensis, where we have vьtorěěmь Lsg.m. against 12 occurrences of vъtor-. In the Codex Assemanianus, there are two occurrences of vьtoricejǫ `for the second time'. \{2\} AP (a) - vъtórъjь - in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 133).

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > vъtorъjь

  • 13 К-385

    КРИВАЯ ВЫВОЗИТ/ВЫВЕЗЕТ (ВЫНОСИТ/ВЫНЕСЕТ) кого coll VP subj. usu. pfv fut if impfv, usu. refers to repeated occurrences fixed WO
    ( s.o. hopes that, there is a possibility that etc) pure chance will help s.o. in some situation: (X-a) кривая вывезет - luck will be on X's side
    things will go X's way things will work out (for X) the chips will fall X's way something will turn up.
    "...Подсудимому должно же было прийти в голову опасение, что он слишком много накричал по городу предварительно и что это может весьма послужить к его уличению и его обвинению, когда он исполнит задуманное. Но уж что же делать, факт огласки был совершён, его не воротишь, и, наконец, вывозила же прежде кривая, вывезет и теперь» (Достоевский 2)...The fear must have occurred to the defendant that he had shouted around town too much beforehand and that it would go a long way towards exposing and accusing him once he had carried out his plan. But there was no help for it, the fact of publication had been accomplished, it could not be taken back, and, after all, things had always worked out before, so they would work out now as well" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-385

  • 14 кривая вывезет

    [VPsubj; usu. pfv fut; if impfv, usu. refers to repeated occurrences; fixed WO]
    (s.o. hopes that, there is a possibility that etc) pure chance will help s.o. in some situation:
    - (X-a) кривая вывезет luck will be on X's side;
    - something will turn up.
         ♦ "...Подсудимому должно же было прийти в голову опасение, что он слишком много накричал по городу предварительно и что это может весьма послужить к его уличению и его обвинению, когда он исполнит задуманное. Но уж что же делать, факт огласки был совершён, его не воротишь, и, наконец, вывозила же прежде кривая, вывезет и теперь" (Достоевский 2). "...The fear must have occurred to the defendant that he had shouted around town too much beforehand and that it would go a long way towards exposing and accusing him once he had carried out his plan. But there was no help for it, the fact of publication had been accomplished, it could not be taken back, and, after all, things had always worked out before, so they would work out now as well" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > кривая вывезет

  • 15 кривая вывозит

    [VPsubj; usu. pfv fut; if impfv, usu. refers to repeated occurrences; fixed WO]
    (s.o. hopes that, there is a possibility that etc) pure chance will help s.o. in some situation:
    - something will turn up.
         ♦ "...Подсудимому должно же было прийти в голову опасение, что он слишком много накричал по городу предварительно и что это может весьма послужить к его уличению и его обвинению, когда он исполнит задуманное. Но уж что же делать, факт огласки был совершён, его не воротишь, и, наконец, вывозила же прежде кривая, вывезет и теперь" (Достоевский 2). "...The fear must have occurred to the defendant that he had shouted around town too much beforehand and that it would go a long way towards exposing and accusing him once he had carried out his plan. But there was no help for it, the fact of publication had been accomplished, it could not be taken back, and, after all, things had always worked out before, so they would work out now as well" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > кривая вывозит

  • 16 кривая вынесет

    [VPsubj; usu. pfv fut; if impfv, usu. refers to repeated occurrences; fixed WO]
    (s.o. hopes that, there is a possibility that etc) pure chance will help s.o. in some situation:
    - something will turn up.
         ♦ "...Подсудимому должно же было прийти в голову опасение, что он слишком много накричал по городу предварительно и что это может весьма послужить к его уличению и его обвинению, когда он исполнит задуманное. Но уж что же делать, факт огласки был совершён, его не воротишь, и, наконец, вывозила же прежде кривая, вывезет и теперь" (Достоевский 2). "...The fear must have occurred to the defendant that he had shouted around town too much beforehand and that it would go a long way towards exposing and accusing him once he had carried out his plan. But there was no help for it, the fact of publication had been accomplished, it could not be taken back, and, after all, things had always worked out before, so they would work out now as well" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > кривая вынесет

  • 17 кривая выносит

    [VPsubj; usu. pfv fut; if impfv, usu. refers to repeated occurrences; fixed WO]
    (s.o. hopes that, there is a possibility that etc) pure chance will help s.o. in some situation:
    - something will turn up.
         ♦ "...Подсудимому должно же было прийти в голову опасение, что он слишком много накричал по городу предварительно и что это может весьма послужить к его уличению и его обвинению, когда он исполнит задуманное. Но уж что же делать, факт огласки был совершён, его не воротишь, и, наконец, вывозила же прежде кривая, вывезет и теперь" (Достоевский 2). "...The fear must have occurred to the defendant that he had shouted around town too much beforehand and that it would go a long way towards exposing and accusing him once he had carried out his plan. But there was no help for it, the fact of publication had been accomplished, it could not be taken back, and, after all, things had always worked out before, so they would work out now as well" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > кривая выносит

  • 18 κάθημαι

    κάθημαι (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, pseudepigr.; Jos., Ant. 5, 192; Ath. 17:3 [ptc. as name of an image of Athene]) 2 sg. κάθῃ (since Hyperid., Fgm. 115 [OLautensach, Glotta 8, 1917, 186]; POxy 33 verso III, 13 [II A.D.]; TestJob 24:3) Ac 23:3; pl. κάθησθε Lk 22:30 v.l., impv. κάθου (Moeris 215: κάθησο Ἀττικῶς, κάθου κοινῶς; later Attic [Lautensach, Glotta 9, 1918, 88; s. also AMaidhof, Z. Begriffsbestimmung der Koine 1912, 300]) twice in Js 2:3 and seven times in a quot. fr. Ps 109:1 (B-D-F §100; Mlt-H. 206f; s. 3 below); impf. ἐκαθήμην (on the augment s. B-D-F §69, 1; Mlt-H. 192); fut. καθήσομαι (oft. LXX) Mt 19:28; Lk 22:30.
    to be in a seated position, sit
    w. the place indicated by a prep. ἀπέναντί τινος opposite someth. Mt 27:61.—εἴς τι on someth. (Pel.-Leg. p. 4, 4 καθημένη εἰς βαδιστήν=‘sitting on a donkey’; cp. also Musonius 43, 18 H. καθῆσθαι εἰς Σινώπην) εἰς τὸ ὄρος τ. ἐλαιῶν Mk 13:3; cp. Hs 5, 1, 1.—ἐκ δεξιῶν τινος at someone’s right (hand) Mt 26:64; Mk 14:62; Lk 22:69.—ἐν: Mt 11:16; 26:69; Lk 7:32. ἐν σάκκῳ κ. σποδῷ 10:13. ἐν δεξιᾷ τινος at someone’s right Col 3:1. ἐν τοῖς δεξιοῖς on the right (side) Mk 16:5.—ἐπάνω τινός on or upon someth. Mt 23:22; Rv 6:8.—ἐπί τινος on someth. (Babrius 57, 14; UPZ 79, 10 [160 B.C.]) Mt 24:3. ἐπὶ τοῦ θρόνου (Aeschines in Ps.-Demetr. 205; Cebes 21, 3 ἐπὶ θρόνου ὑψηλοῦ; Ex 11:5 al.; TestAbr A 12 p. 91, 9 [Stone p. 30]; B 8 p. 112, 21 [Stone p. 72]; Jos., Ant. 5, 192); Rv 4:2 v.l.; 4:9f; 5:1, 7, 13 v.l.; 6:16; 7:10 v.l., 15; 19:4 v.l.; 20:11 v.l.; 21:5 v.l. ἐπὶ θρόνων Lk 22:30. ἐπὶ τῆς νεφέλης (Is 19:1) 14:15f. ἐπὶ τοῦ ἅρματος Ac 8:28. ἐπὶ τ. ἵππων Rv 9:17; 19:18. ἐπὶ τοῦ ἵππου vs. 19, 21 (cp. TestJud 3:2). Of judges (κ.=‘sit in judgment’: Pla., Ap. 35c; Hyperid. 3, 6) ἐπὶ τοῦ βήματος Mt 27:19.—ἐπὶ τῇ ὡραίᾳ πύλῃ at the ‘Beautiful Gate’ Ac 3:10. ἐπὶ τῷ θρόνῳ Rv 5:13; 6:16 v.l.; 7:10, 15 v.l.; 19:4; 21:5.—ἐπί τι w. acc. of place (Lev 8:35) ἐπὶ τὸ τελώνιον Mt 9:9; Mk 2:14; Lk 5:27; ἐπὶ πῶλον ὄνου J 12:15; ἐπʼ αὐτόν (horse) Rv 6:2, 4f; 19:11, 18 v.l.; ἐπὶ θηρίον 17:3; ἐπὶ (τὸν) θρόνον, (τοὺς) θρόνους (3 Km 1:27; Jer 13:13 A; 43, 30 A; TestJob 20:4) Mt 19:28; Rv 4:2, 4; 11:16; 20:11; ἐπὶ τὴν νεφέλην 14:14, 16 v.l.—παρά τι beside someth. παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν at the side of the road Mt 20:30; Mk 10:46; Lk 18:35.—περί τινα around someone Mk 3:32, 34.—πρὸς τὸ φῶς by the fire Lk 22:56 (Aristoph., Vesp. 773 πρὸς τὸ πῦρ κ. Likewise Menand., Fgm. 806 Kö.).
    w. the place indicated by an adv. of place: ἐκεῖ Mk 2:6; οὗ Ac 2:2; Rv 17:15; ὅπου vs. 9.
    abs. sit, sit there (Epict. 2, 16, 13 εὔχου καθήμενος; 33) Mt 27:36; Lk 5:17; J 2:14; 9:8; Ac 14:8; 1 Cor 14:30; B 10:4.
    w. some indication of the state or characteristics of the pers. sitting (Ex 18:14 σὺ κάθησαι μόνος; κ. of a judge Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 318 D.; 327) σὺ κάθῃ κρίνων με; do you sit there to judge me? Ac 23:3 (Ἄβελ … κάθηται ὧδε κρῖναι TestAbr A 13 p. 92, 7 [Stone p. 32]).
    in the special sense sit quietly Mk 5:15; Lk 8:35. Be enthroned in majesty (Od. 16, 264) κάθημαι βασίλισσα Rv 18:7.
    to be a resident in a place, stay, be, live, reside, settle, fig. ext of 1 (Hom. et al.; Hdt. 5, 63 ἐν Δελφοῖς; Musonius p. 59, 7 ἐν πόλει; Ael. Aristid. 50, 14 K.=26 p. 505 D.; Is 9:8 v.l.; 2 Esdr 21:6; Jdth 4:8; 5:3) Lk 21:35; Rv 14:6 (cp. Jer 32:29); 17:1, 9 (s. 1b). πρός τινα w. someone D 12:3; 13:1. ἐν σκότει (σκοτίᾳ v.l.) … καὶ ἐν σκιᾷ θανάτου Mt 4:16. ἐν σκότει καὶ σκιᾷ θανάτου (Ps 106:10) Lk 1:79 (cp. Pind., O. 1, 83 ἐν σκότῳ καθήμενος [=one who enters old age without accomplishments worthy of remembrance]; Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 272 D.: ἐν τ. στενοῖς τ. ἐλπίδων ἐκάθηντο). (The restoration [καθήμ]ε̣ν̣ο̣ι̣ AcPl Ha 8, 33 is questionable, s. the rdg. of BMM, s.v. πεδάω.)
    to take a seated position, sit down; the occurrence of this sense in our lit. can scarcely be disputed; the same is true of the LXX (W-S. §14, 3). It is to be assumed for the impv. in all its occurrences; seven of them are connected w. Ps 109:1: κάθου ἐκ δεξιῶν μου Mt 22:44; Mk 12:36; Lk 20:42; Ac 2:34; Hb 1:13; 1 Cl 36:5; B 12:10. The impv. has the same mng. twice in Js 2:3. But this sense is also quite probable for the foll. pass.: ἐν τῇ θαλάσσῃ Mk 4:1. ἐπάνω τινός Mt 28:2. μετά τινος 26:58; J 6:3 (καθίζω v.l.). παρὰ τὴν θάλασσαν Mt 13:1.—ἐκεῖ Mt 15:29.—μέσος αὐτῶν Lk 22:55.—Abs. Mt 13:2.—B. 455. DELG s.v. ἧμαι. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κάθημαι

  • 19 πιστεύω

    πιστεύω (Trag.+) impf. ἐπίστευον; 1 aor. ἐπίστευσα; pf. πεπίστευκα; plpf. πεπιστεύκειν Ac 14:23 (on the omission of the augment s. B-D-F §66, 1; Mlt-H. 190). Pass.: fut. 3 pl. πιστευθήσονται Gen 42, 20; 1 aor. ἐπιστεύθην; pf. πεπίστευμαι (the word does not occur in Phlm, 2 Pt, 2 and 3J, Rv, MPol, or D. But it is a special favorite of J and 1J, where it is found 96 times and 9 times respectively; πίστις is not found in the gospel at all, and occurs in 1J only once, 5:4. Our lit. uses it quite predominantly in a transcendent sense, or at least w. transcendent coloring).
    to consider someth. to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust, believe
    believe (in) someth., be convinced of someth., w. that which one believes (in) indicated
    α. by acc. of thing (Soph., Oed. Rex 646 τάδε; Aristot., Analyt. Pr. 2, 23, 68b, 13 ἅπαντα; PSI 494, 14 μηθέν; UPZ 70, 29 [152/151 B.C.] π. τὰ ἐνύπνια; ApcEsdr 7:12 p. 32, 26 τὸ βιβλίον τοῦτο) ἡ ἀγάπη πάντα πιστεύει 1 Cor 13:7. πεπιστεύκαμεν τὴν ἀγάπην we believe in the love 1J 4:16. πιστεύεις τοῦτο; J 11:26b. Cp. Ac 13:41 (Hab 1:5). Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τὸ μαρτύριον ἡμῶν our testimony was believed 2 Th 1:10b (cp. Aristot., EN 10, 2 p. 1172b, 15 ἐπιστεύοντο οἱ λόγοι; Gen 42:20).
    β. by means of a ὅτι-clause believe that (Plut., Mor. 210d; Aelian, VH 1, 16 p. 8, 9; Herm. Wr. 4, 4: Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24; PLond III, 897, 12 p. 207 [I A.D.]; Tob 10:8 S; Job 9:16; 15:31; 39:12; La 4:12; 4 Macc 7:19; TestAbr A 18 p. 100, 18 [Stone p. 48]; ParJer 6:7; Just., A I, 18, 2 al.; Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 16) μακαρία ἡ πιστεύσασα ὅτι ἔσται τελείωσις Lk 1:45 (ὅτι here may=for: s. ὅτι 4b).—Mk 11:23; cp. vs. 24; J 8:24 (ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι as Is 43:10); 11:27, 42; 13:19; 14:10; 16:27, 30; 17:8, 21; 20:31a; Ac 9:26; Ro 6:8; 10:9; 1 Th 4:14; Hb 11:6; Js 2:19a; 1J 5:1, 5; Hv 3, 8, 4; 4, 2, 4; m 1:1; 6, 2, 10b; Hs 2:5.—[ὅτι εἷς θεός] καὶ εἷς χριστός AcPl Ha 1, 17; AcPlCor 1:8. π. περί τινος ὅτι believe concerning someone that J 9:18 (M. Ant. 1, 15, 5 πιστεύειν περὶ ὧν λέγοι ὅτι οὕτως φρονεῖ=believe concerning whatever he might say, that it was what he actually thought; Just., D. 10, 1 π. ἡμῶν• ὅτι ἐσθίομεν ἀνθρώπους.—π. περί τινος as Plut., Lyc. 19, 4; Jos., Ant. 14, 267).
    γ. by the acc. and inf. (pres. Pla., Gorg. 524a; PTebt 314, 3 [II A.D.]; 4 Macc 5:25; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 160; Just., A I, 8, 2 al.; Ath. 20, 3) πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ac 8:37b.—GMary 463, 8.—IRo 10:2.—By the inf. (Thu 2, 22, 1; Job 15:22; AscIs 2:10 εἰς οὐρανὸν ἀναβῆναι) πιστεύομεν σωθῆναι Ac 15:11 (difft. JNolland, NTS 27, ’80, 112f [inf. of result: ‘we believe (in order) to be saved’]).—By the acc. and ptc. ἐν σαρκὶ αὐτὸν πιστεύω ὄντα I believe that he was in the flesh ISm 3:1.
    δ. by means of the dat. of thing give credence to, believe (Aeschyl., Pers. 786 θεῶν θεσφάτοισιν; Soph., Phil. 1374 τοῖς ἐμοῖς λόγοις, El. 886; Pla., Phd. 88c, Leg. 7, 798d; Polyb. 5, 42, 9; 9, 33, 1; Herodian 7, 5, 5 ἐλπίδι κρείττονι; BGU 674, 6 τῷ λόγῳ; 2 Ch 9:6 τοῖς λόγοις; Ps 105:24; Pr 14:15; Sir 19:15; En 104:13 ταῖς βίβλοις; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 τοῖς κενοῖς λογισμοῖς, Virt. 68 the sayings of God; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 286, Ant. 10, 39 τ. λόγοις; Tat. 18, 2 ὕλης οἰκονομία; Ath. 30, 2 ταῖς γοναῖς τοῦ Διό; Iren. 1, 10, 2 [Harv. I 92, 4] ἡ ἐκκλησία … π. τούτοις [sc. κήρυγμα and πίστις]) οὐκ ἐπίστευσας τοῖς λόγοις μου Lk 1:20 (cp. Iambl., ViPyth. 28, 148 περὶ θεῶν μηδὲν θαυμαστὸν ἀπιστεῖν ‘concerning the gods nothing is so marvelous that it should occasion unbelief’). τῇ γραφῇ καὶ τῷ λόγῳ J 2:22. Cp. 4:50; 5:47ab. τοῖς γεγραμμένοις Ac 24:14 (Diod S 16, 52, 7 πιστεύσαντες τοῖς γεγραμμένοις). τῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ τοῦ θεοῦ 2 Cl 11:1 (Diod S 1, 53, 10 τῇ τοῦ προρρήσει πιστεύειν; 19, 90, 3). τῷ ψεύδει, τῇ ἀληθείᾳ 2 Th 2:11, 12. τῇ καταλαλιᾷ Hm 2:2. τῇ ἀκοῇ ἡμῶν (Is 53:1; cp. Jos., C. Ap. 2, 14 π. ἀκοῇ πρεσβυτέρων) J 12:38; Ro 10:16; 1 Cl 16:3. τοῖς ἔργοις J 10:38b (=their testimony); Hm 6, 2, 10a (that they are good and must be followed).—Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τῷ λόγῳ μου they believed my word Hm 3:3.
    ε. w. prepositional expressions: εἰς Ro 4:18, if εἰς τὸ γενέσθαι αὐτόν here is dependent on ἐπίστευσεν. πιστεύειν εἰς τὴν μαρτυρίαν believe in the witness 1J 5:10c. ὁ Χριστιανισμὸς οὐκ εἰς Ἰουδαϊσμὸν ἐπίστευσεν the Christian way of life/Christianity did not commit itself to the Judean way/Judaism (s. Hdb. ad loc.) I Mg 10:3a; cp. b (Χριστιανισμόν, εἰς ὸ̔ν πᾶσα γλῶσσα πιστεύσασα). On πιστεύειν εἰς τὸ ὄνομά τινος s. 2aβ below. πιστεύετε ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ believe in the gospel (so Ps 105:12 ἐπίστευσαν ἐν τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Rather in the sense ‘put one’s trust in’ Sir 32:21 μὴ πιστεύσῃς ἐν ὁδῷ ἀπροσκόπῳ. See B-D-F §187, 6; Rob. 540. ALoisy, Les Évangiles synopt. I 1907, 430; 434; comm.) Mk 1:15 (Hofmann understands it as ‘on the basis of’, Wohlenberg ‘bei’; Lohmeyer is undecided; Dssm. and Mlt. 67f ‘in the sphere of’; s. p. 235). ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ οὐ πιστεύω IPhld 8:2 (s. Bihlmeyer ad loc.).—ἐπί τινι: πιστεύειν ἐπὶ πᾶσιν οἷς ἐλάλησαν οἱ προφῆται Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33 (Is 28:16).
    w. the pers. to whom one gives credence or whom one believes, in the dat. (Demosth. 18, 10; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 14 p. 1390a, 32; Polyb. 15, 26, 6 τοῖς εἰδόσι τὴν ἀλήθειαν; Herodian 2, 1, 10; PHib 72, 18; POxy 898, 29; PTebt 418, 15; Ex 4:1, 5; 3 Km 10:7; 2 Ch 32:15; Tob 2:14; Jer 47:14; JosAs 13:10; Philo, Praem. 49; Just., A I, 33, 5, D 7, 2 al.) τοῖς θεασαμένοις αὐτὸν ἐγηγερμένον οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they did not believe those who saw him after he was raised from the dead Mk 16:14. Cp. Mt 21:25, 32abc; Mk 11:31; 16:13; Lk 20:5; J 5:46a; Ac 8:12; 26:27a (τ. προφήταις as Jos., Ant. 11, 96); 1J 4:1; Hm 6, 1, 2ab.—Also of Jesus and God whom one believes, in that one accepts their disclosures without doubt or contradiction: Jesus: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 5:38, 46b; 6:30; 8:45, 46; 10:37, 38a. God: J 5:24; Ro 4:3 (Gen 15:6), 17 κατέναντι οὗ ἐπίστευσεν θεοῦ (= κατέναντι θεοῦ ᾧ ἐπίστευσεν); Gal 3:6; Js 2:23; 1 Cl 10:6 (all three Gen 15:6). ὁ μὴ πιστεύων τῷ θεῷ ψεύστην πεποίηκεν αὐτόν 1J 5:10b. AcPl Ha 3, 7.
    w. pers. and thing added π. τινί τι believe someone with regard to someth. (X., Apol. 15 μηδὲ ταῦτα εἰκῇ πιστεύσητε τῷ θεῷ) Hm 6, 2, 6.—W. dat. of pers. and ὅτι foll. (ApcEsdr 4:35 p. 29, 12 Tdf.): πιστεύετέ μοι ὅτι ἐγὼ ἐν τῷ πατρί J 14:11a. Cp. 4:21; Ac 27:25.
    abs. (in which case the context supplies the obj., etc.; cp. ParJer 7:19 γέγονε δὲ τοῦτο, ἵνα πιστεύσωσιν) ἐάν τις ὑμῖν εἴπῃ• ἰδοὺ ὧδε ὁ Χριστός, μὴ πιστεύσητε do not believe (him or it [the statement]) Mt 24:23; cp. vs. 26; Mk 13:21; Lk 22:67; J 3:12ab; 10:25f; 12:47 v.l.; 14:29; 16:31; 19:35; 20:8, 25; cp. GJs 19:3. J 20:29ab πιστεύσαντες those who have nevertheless believed (it=the fact of the Resurrection); Ac 4:4; 26:27b; 1 Cor 11:18 πιστεύω I believe (it=that there are divisions among you); 15:11; Js 2:19b even the daemons believe this; Jd 5. Pass. καρδίᾳ πιστεύεται with (or in) the heart men believe (it=that Jesus was raised fr. the dead) Ro 10:10.
    believe = let oneself be influenced κατά τινος against someone Pol 6:1.
    πιστεύομαι I am believed, I enjoy confidence (X., An. 7, 6, 33; Diod S 5, 80, 4 τοῖς μάλιστα πιστευομένοις ἐπηκολουθήσαμεν; 17, 32, 1; 1 Km 27:12; Jos., Ant. 10, 114; PGM 12, 279 πιστευθήσῃ=you will be believed) of Eve παρθένος πιστεύεται people believe that she is a virgin Dg 12:8, or perh. a virgin is entrusted (to someone without fear). S. 3 below.
    to entrust oneself to an entity in complete confidence, believe (in), trust, w. implication of total commitment to the one who is trusted. In our lit. God and Christ are objects of this type of faith that relies on their power and nearness to help, in addition to being convinced that their revelations or disclosures are true. The obj. is
    α. in the dat. (cp. Soph., Philoct. 1374 θεοῖς πιστ.; X., Mem. 1, 1, 5; Ps.-Pla., Epinom. 980c πιστεύσας τοῖς θεοῖς εὔχου; Ptolem. Lagi [300 B.C.]: 138 Fgm. 8 Jac.; Maximus Tyr. 3, 8k τῷ Ἀπόλλωνι; Epict., app. E, 10 p. 488 Sch. θεῷ; Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 18 πῶς Διονύσῳ πιστεύσω; how can I trust D.?; UPZ 144, 12 [164 B.C.] τ. θεοῖς; Jdth 14:10; Wsd 16:26; 4 Macc 7:21 al. in LXX; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 πιστεύειν θεῷ, Rer. Div. Her. 92 μόνῳ θεῷ, Op. M. 45, Sacr. Abel. 70 τῷ σωτήρι θεῷ, Abr. 269, Mos. 1, 225, Virt. 216 [on faith in Philo s. Bousset, Rel.3 446ff; EHatch, Essays in Biblical Gk. 1889, 83ff; ASchlatter, D. Glaube im NT4 1927; EBréhier, Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d’Alexandrie 1908, 21925; HWindisch, Die Frömmigkeit Philos 1909, 23ff; HWolfson, Philo ’47 I, 143–56, esp. II, 215–18; WPeisker, D. Glaubensbegriff bei Philon, diss. ’36]; Jos., Ant. 2, 117; 333; 3, 309; 20, 48, Bell. 3, 387 [s. ASchlatter, D. Theol. d. Judentums nach d. Bericht des Jos. ’32, 104ff]; Just., A I, 18, 6 al.). Some of the passages referred to in 1b above, end, are repeated, since they may be classified here or there w. equal justification. Of God: π. τῷ θεῷ (Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 15) Ac 16:34; 13:12 D; Tit 3:8; PtK 4 p. 16, 2; B 16:7; Hm 12, 6, 2; Hs 5, 1, 5. Cp. m 1:2; AcPl Ha 10, 13f. τῷ κυρίῳ (Sir 11:21; 2:8) Hv 4, 2, 6. οἱ πιστεύσαντες τῷ κυρίῳ διὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Hs 9, 13, 5. τῷ θεῷ w. ὅτι foll. m 9:7; cp. Hs 1:7.—Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l. (for ἐπʼ αὐτόν); J 6:30 (σοί=vs. 29 εἰς ὸ̔ν ἀπέστειλεν ἐκεῖνος); J 8:31 (αὐτῷ=vs. 30 εἰς αὐτόν, but see Mlt. 67f; JSwetnam argues for a plpf. sense here: Biblica 61, ’80, 106–9); Ac 5:14; 18:8a (both τῷ κυρίῳ); Ro 10:14b (οὗ οὐκ ἤκουσαν = τούτῳ [about equivalent to εἰς τοῦτον; cp. vs. 14a] οὗ οὐκ ἤκ.); 2 Ti 1:12; ITr 9:2; Hs 8, 3, 2.—Pass. be believed in (X., Cyr. 4, 2, 8; 6, 1, 39; Pla., Lach. 181b; Ps.-Demosth. 58, 44 al.; 1 Km 27:12; Just., D. 7, 3; Tat. 10, 2. S. B-D-F §312, 1; also s. Rob. 815f) ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ 1 Ti 3:16.—π. τῷ ὀνόματι τοῦ υἱοῦ believe in the name of the Son, i.e. believe in the Son and accept what his name proclaims him to be 1J 3:23.
    β. w. εἰς (cp. Hippol., Elench. 6, 19, 7 W. οἱ εἰς τὸν Σίμωνα καὶ τὴν Ἑλένην πεπιστευκότες; Just., D. 35, 8 al.) God (BGU 874, 11 π. εἰς τὸν θεόν): J 12:44b; 14:1a (cp. ET 21, 1910, 53–57; 68–70; 138f); 1 Pt 1:21 v.l.=Pol 2:1.—Christ: Mt 18:6; Mk 9:42; J 2:11; 3:15 v.l., 16, 18a, 36; 4:39; 6:29, 35, 40, 47 v.l.; 7:5, 31, 38f, 48; 8:30; 9:35f; 10:42; 11:25, 26a, 45, 48; 12:11, 36 (εἰς τὸ φῶς), 37, 42, 44a, 46; 14:1b, 12; 16:9; 17:20; Ac 10:43; 14:23; 18:8 D; 19:4; Ro 10:14a; Gal 2:16; Phil 1:29; 1 Pt 1:8; 1J 5:10a; AcPlCor 2:31; Hs 8, 3, 2.—εἰς τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ (or αὐτοῦ, etc.) J 1:12; 2:23; 3:18c; 1J 5:13 (s. ὄνομα 1dβ and s. 2aα above, end). π. εἰς τὸν θάνατον αὐτοῦ ITr 2:1. π. εἰς τὸ αἷμα Χριστοῦ ISm 6:1.
    γ. w. ἐπί and dat., of God Ac 11:17 D. Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 3:15 v.l.; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16); 1 Ti 1:16.
    δ. w. ἐπί and acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 46, 1 al.) of God: Ac 16:34 D; Ro 4:5, 24; PtK 3 p. 15, 12. Of Christ: Mt 27:42; J 3:15 v.l.; Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19.
    ε. π. ἔν τινι believe in someone (Jer 12:6; Da 6:24 Theod.; Ps 77:22) is questionable in our lit.: in J 3:15 the best rdg. is ἐν αὐτῷ and is prob. to be construed w. ἔχῃ (in J πιστεύω usually takes the prep. εἰς when expressing the obj. of belief, as in 3:16); in Eph 1:13 both occurrences of ἐν ᾧ are prob. to be construed w. ἐσφραγίσθητε (=‘in connection with whom you have been sealed’ [cp. 4:30]); the acts of hearing and believing are coordinate, and πιστεύσαντες, along w. ἀκούσαντες, is used abs. (so REB; less clearly NRSV). But s. 1aε above: π. ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ Mk 1:15; IPhld 8:2.
    not expressed at all (the abs. πιστεύειν in a transcendent sense: Aeschin., In Ctesiph. 1 ἐγὼ πεπιστευκὼς ἥκω πρῶτον τοῖς θεοῖς; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 17, 1391b, 1ff; Plut., Mor. 170f; Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24 πιστεῦσαι δεῖ, ὅτι [=because] μόνη σωτηρία ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεὸν ἐπιστροφή; Herm. Wr. 9, 10ab ἐπίστευσε καὶ ἐν τῇ καλῇ πίστει ἐπανεπαύσατο; cp. 1, 32 πιστεύω καὶ μαρτυρῶ=PapBerl 9795 [RReitzenstein, Studien z. antiken Synkretismus 1926, p. 161, 2]; Num 20:12; Ps 115:1; Is 7:9; Sir 2:13; 1 Macc 2:59; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 14; 101, Deus Imm. 4, Mut. Nom. 178; τότε πιστεύσεις θέλων καὶ μὴ θέλων Theoph. Ant. 1, 8 [p. 74, 7]) Mk 15:32; 16:16f; Lk 8:12f; J 1:7, 50; 3:15, 18b; 4:41f, 48, 53; 5:44; 6:36, 47, 64ab, perh. 69 (MEnslin, The Perf. Tense in the Fourth Gosp.: JBL 55, ’36, 121–31, esp. 128); 9:38; 10:26; 11:15, 40; 12:39; 20:31b; Ac 4:4; 8:13, 37a; 11:21; 13:12, 39, 48; 14:1; 15:5, 7; 17:12, 34; 18:8b, 27; 19:2; 21:25; Ro 1:16; 3:22; 4:11; 10:4; 13:11; 15:13; 1 Cor 1:21; 3:5; 15:2; Gal 3:22; Eph 1:13, 19; 1 Th 2:10, 13; Hb 4:3; 1 Pt 2:7; 1 Cl 12:7; 2 Cl 17:3; 20:2; B 9:3; B 11:11; ISm 3:2; Hs 8, 10, 3; 9, 17, 4; 9, 22, 3. τὸ πιστεύειν faith IMg 9:2. ἐν ἀγάπῃ πιστεύειν IPhld 9:2 (ἐν ἀγάπῃ is here used adv.).—Participles in the var. tenses are also used almost subst.: (οἱ) πιστεύοντες (the) believers, (the) Christians (Orig., C. Cels. 1, 13, 34; Did., Gen. 106, 6) Ac 2:44; Ro 3:22; 1 Cor 14:22ab (opp. οἱ ἄπιστοι); 1 Th 1:7; Hs 8, 3, 3. (οἱ) πιστεύσαντες (those) who made their commitment = (those) who became believers, (the) Christians, Ac 2:44 v.l.; 4:32; 2 Th 1:10a; 2 Cl 2:3; Hs 9, 19, 1. οἱ πεπιστευκότες those who became (and remained) believers Ac 19:18; 21:20 (Just., D. 122, 2).—οἱ μέλλοντες πιστεύειν future believers 1 Cl 42:4; Hm 4, 3, 3a. οἱ νῦν πιστεύσαντες those who have just come to believe ibid. 4, 3, 3b.
    A special kind of this faith is the confidence that God or Christ is in a position to help suppliants out of their distress, have confidence (some of the passages already mentioned might just as well be classified here) abs. ὡς ἐπίστευσας γενηθήτω σοι may it be done to you in accordance with the confidence you have Mt 8:13. ὅσα ἂν αἰτήσητε πιστεύοντες whatever you pray for with confidence 21:22. Cp. Mk 5:36; 9:23f; Lk 8:50; 2 Cor 4:13a (Ps 115:1), b. W. ὅτι foll.: πιστεύετε ὅτι δύναμαι τοῦτο ποιῆσαι; do you have confidence that I am able to do this? Mt 9:28.—Mk 11:23.
    entrust τινί τι someth. to someone (X., Mem. 4, 4, 17; Plut., Mor. 519e; Athen. 8, 341a; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 25, 1; SIG2 845, 7, see for numerous other examples index VI p. 384b. Cp. Wsd 14:5; 1 Macc 8:16; 4 Macc 4:7; TestJob 11:11; Jos., Bell. 4, 492; Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 6) τὸ ἀληθινὸν τίς ὑμῖν πιστεύσει; Lk 16:11. αὐτῷ τοσούτων πιστευο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ω̣ν̣ since so many (or so much) were ( was) entrusted to him AcPl Ha 7, 21 (connection uncertain). αὐτόν (so N. and Tdf.; v.l. ἑαυτόν) τινι trust oneself to someone (Brutus, Ep. 25; Plut., Mor. 181d ἀνδρὶ μᾶλλον ἀγαθῷ πιστεύσας ἑαυτὸν ἢ ὀχυρῷ τόπῳ=entrusting himself to a good man rather than to a stronghold; EpArist 270; Jos., Ant. 12, 396) J 2:24 (EStauffer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 281–99.—Diod S 34 + 35 Fgm. 39a οὐ τοῖς τυχοῦσι φίλοις ἑαυτὸν ἐπίστευσεν=he did not trust himself to casual friends).—Pass. πιστεύομαί τι (B-D-F §159, 4) I am entrusted with someth. (Pla., Ep. 1, 309a; Polyb. 8, 17, 5; 31, 26, 7; Diod S 20, 19, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 136 §568 ἃ ἐπιστεύθην; ins; pap [e.g. PLond I, 121, 608 p. 203]; Jos., Bell. 5, 567, Vi. 137; Ath. 24, 3. Cp. Esth 8:12e.—Dssm., LO 320f [LAE 379]). ἐπιστεύθησαν τὰ λόγια τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:2. πεπίστευμαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον Gal 2:7 (PGM 13, 140 ὁ ὑπό σου πάντα πιστευθείς; 446); cp. 1 Th 2:4; 1 Ti 1:11.—Tit 1:3. οἰκονομίαν πεπίστευμαι 1 Cor 9:17; cp. Dg 7:1. S. also 7:2; IMg 6:1; IPhld 9:1ab. πιστεύομαί τι παρά τινος I am entrusted by someone with someth. (Polyb. 3, 69, 1; Jos., Bell. 1, 667): οἱ πιστευθέντες παρὰ θεοῦ ἔργον τοιοῦτο 1 Cl 43:1.
    be confident about, a unique use found in ὸ̔ς μὲν πιστεύει φαγεῖν πάντα, someth. like the one is confident about eating anything Ro 14:2 (a combination of two ideas: ‘the pers. is so strong in the faith’ and: ‘the pers. is convinced that it is permissible to eat anything’; in brief: not cultically fussy. See Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.; but also B-D-F §397, 2). Another probability is the sense
    think/consider (possible), in Ro 14:2 perh. holds everything possible; cp. J 9:18 οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they refused to entertain the possibility, and Ac 9:26. S. 4 above.—For lit. s. πίστις, end. DELG s.v. πείθομαι. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πιστεύω

  • 20 inscindibile

    * * *
    inscindibile agg. indissoluble; inseparable: c'è un patto inscindibile fra loro, there's an indissoluble pact between them; i due fatti sono inscindibili, the two occurrences are inseparable.
    * * *
    aggettivo [aspetti, fenomeno] inseparable; [ vincolo] indissoluble
    * * *
    [aspetti, fenomeno] inseparable; [ vincolo] indissoluble.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > inscindibile

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